Tuesday, July 19, 2011

NSTAR refuses to address domestic terror attacks through their Smart Meters

UPDATE: Driving an NSTAR truck up and down the street in a shaman ritual to drive out the spirits in the grid without getting out of the truck, and on occasion checking the voltage three hours later doesn't solve it any more today than it has for a year.

NSTAR liars deny they are Smart Meters even though the instruction manuals say they are.

The doctor here, who went to Harvard, must also be "lying" because he doesn't work for a power company, the meter builder or the government that gave them millions to buy them.

NSTAR staff who could care less have been causing damaging surges for the last several years that most people don't even know are occurring. They do in Maine, though.

Now that the Maine Public Utilities Commission has ruled that it is “unreasonable” for Central Maine Power to force every customer to accept a wireless meter, and that it is “in the public interest” for customers to opt-out, here’s a candid look at the information you won’t find in CMP’s promotional materials.

It’s information you need to decide whether the purported benefits of a smart meter outweigh the documented risks to health, safety, privacy and cybersecurity.

Here’s why people, communities and governments around the world are rejecting smart meters:...
  • Radiofrequency interference causing malfunctioning of wireless equipment such as Wi-Fi and Netflix
  • Radiofrequency interference causing malfunctioning of medical equipment such as pacemakers and wireless insulin pumps
  • Radiofrequency spikes causing appliances to break
  • Health effects like migraines, nausea, vomiting, muscle spasms, heart palpitations and sleeplessness caused by intense bursts of radiofrequency radiation that has just been classified as a “possible carcinogen” by the World Health Organization — in the same category as lead, engine exhaust and DDT
  • Cybersecurity breaches
  • Excessive billing
  • Interception of personal identity information
  • Electrical fires

Smart Meters have caused Wi-Fi, Netflix, security systems, appliances, and other equipment to malfunction and break. Interference with electronic devices (home office printers, fax machines, scanners, computers, television and cable settings, etc.) has been reported after smart meter installation.

Appliances and devices that are electrically connected in the home (plugged into home electrical wiring) can experience radiofrequency bursts of high enough intensity to cause malfunction and/or damage.

CMP has received more than 100 complaints about interference, and has hired a subcontractor to deal with these problems. However, the company has failed to follow the PUC’s order to prominently feature in its opt-out communications the phone number customers can call for help in dealing with these interference problems.



Experts find smart meters subject to security breaches, hacking

Top analysts say smart meters represent a “worst-case scenario” in terms of security and cyber attacks

Smart meter software company found guilty of data theft

Wireless communications are far less secure than wired communications

Concerns about the security of the US electrical grid have received widespread media coverage (Wall Street Journal, April 27, 2009). Smart meters present a new vulnerability to intentional sabotage as well as to inadvertent access to private information, since the network is wireless and it adds direct linkage to home computers and personal data.

The wireless network proposed to enable smart grid and smart meter technology is a full-saturation, full-coverage blanket of RF/MW radiation into every home and business that can increase the points of entry to malicious software (malware), to electrical service disruption or disconnection, and to terrorist attack on the electrical and communications grid throughout the US (Wired.com, March 4, 2010).

CNN launched a “Cyber Shockwave” program on February 20, 2011, that detailed national concerns over the security of the Internet and of wireless communications, which makes us vulnerable to loss of the electrical grid, Internet and wireless communications across the country. Banking, transportation and the electrical grid had the biggest vulnerabilities.

If you've experienced this nonsense since getting these foreign made pieces of garbage it's worth reading the real article because there are many links.

But of course they're all lies because they don't work for the power company, the meter builder or the government that gave them grant money to buy and install the meters in Military Industrial Complex foreign-made Massachusetts right ?

I want to see Thomas May and people like Justin Riehl / Reihl (however it's being spelled this week since NSTAR papers spell it both ways) have their heads planted squarely where it is now after the merger with Northeast Utilities. Riehl / Reihl would seem to be more of a lying spook of a network security "engineer" who never admitted it, does nothing to get paid and thinks all customers are stupid as his bumbles his way through blocking what's going on.

When May ignores customers in Connecticut once he is CEO of Northeast Utilities, he won't last a year with his present attitude of lying, damaging and possibly even injuring customers.

NSTAR meets the definition of domestic terrorists given by the US government. They are knowingly attacking people, homes, businesses and infrastructure with financing by a foreign power with the aim of enforcing their own agenda.


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