Saturday, July 2, 2011

See BS ? Government issues weather mod disinformation piece

(These photos were taken by me in Orleans, MA on 13 May 2011)

In order to create a "Who's on First" / Chicken and Egg plausible denial routine vis-a-vis Chemtrails, the US Military Industrial Complex has released a science piece that planes cause rain and snow, just by flying.

Airplanes flying through super-cooled clouds around airports can cause condensation that results in more snow and rain nearby, according to a new study.

Subconscious message 1:

It's regular flight that causes rain and snow, not spray. If you see induced rain and snow it's a normal function of flight, not active modification.

The correct conditions for this inadvertent weather modification occur about 5 percent of the time - but 10-to-15 percent in winter -according to Andrew J. Heymsfield of the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colo., lead author of the study appearing in Friday's edition of the journal Science.

Subconscious message 2 in skit:

"Did you hear about weather modification and geoengineering ?"
"Yeah, I read that it happens when planes fly."
"No, I mean they're spraying."
"Yeah, the spray from the planes cause it when they fly."
"No, I mean they're spraying on purpose."
"Huh ? That's not what CBS said."

Subconscious message 3:

Since it's already happening and no one is dying from respiratory injury when it happens 5 percent of the time, why not add to it with chemical augmentation ?

Understanding these processes, Westbrook added, can "give us some insight into the basic science of how clouds work, how the microscopic processes of tiny ice crystals and droplets interact with the large-scale air motion which drives the clouds, and how the seeds of precipitation are sown."

Subconscious message 4:

Evergreen Air was an illusion, as are the thousands of photos and films, and this is an infant science managed by clueless imps. Therefore, there are no Chemtrails, just water vapor and "large-scale air motion."

Say what about that silver iodide, aluminum, barium, strontium (and HAARP) ?

Also ludicrous is their explanation of post-HAARP holes in clouds, saying that round holes are being cause by planes. How ? Are the planes flying straight up ?

Where were these phenomenon before ? Go watch any film from the beginning of flight to when the Chemtrail spraying started. Find the "smokey" sky caused by their powders. You can't. It's blue. They'll say it's edited. No, most aren't.

Go back to eating. You're useless. Just keep putting your cash in the Tammany Hall bank's mechanical hand.

See BS ?


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