Sunday, July 10, 2011

Captain America, the moon, the ISS, and Atlantis

Richard C. Hoagland is the former science adviser to CBS and producer of a 1965 show on WTIC in Hartford. He's a frequent guest on Coast to Coast AM.

Captain America was introduced in March 1941, and on 7 December 1941 the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor (because Roosevelt let them but that's another story like Mussolini being an MI6 puppet).

Captain America fights Nazis.

Several weeks ago, Hoagland "predicted" large amounts of water on the moon which was then announced as he predicted, including where and when :

There is water inside the moon -- so much, in fact, that in some places it rivals the amount of water found within Earth.

The finding from a scientific team including Brown University comes from the first-ever measurements of water in lunar melt inclusions. Those measurements show that some parts of the lunar mantle have as much water as Earth's upper mantle.

Hoagland, if I remember correctly, said that the Nazis on the dark side of the moon warned NASA to dump not only the shuttle, but the ISS.

Why, look ! NASA tracking space debris in space station's path

The US space agency is tracking a piece of space junk that could be on a path toward the International Space Station, where the shuttle Atlantis has just docked on its final mission, NASA said Sunday.

However, NASA is not ready to say for sure whether the object is projected to collide with the shuttle and station, though the paths were likely to cross on Tuesday, said deputy manager of the space shuttle program LeRoy Cain.

"What we were told today is very preliminary," Cain said. "It is a potential right now."

Hoagland said NASA was told deep space beyond LEO is theirs by said Nazis (who no doubt used technology of Tesla and Marconi to bail). That is, unless the late great USA would like more 9/11-style attacks.

The shuttle was due to land on 20 July. Any delays might make that the 21st or 22nd including a possible extra day.

20 July 70 is the day, in the ongoing war of revenge for their assassination of Nero (sic.), that Vespasian's son Titus stormed the Temple Mount's north side.

Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the moon on 20 July 1969 and walked the surface on 21 July, leaving behind a plaque we can safely assume has since been tagged with swastikas by many Nazi family youth.

Strange. More "dates".

Like the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest on 11 September 9... or the Battle of the Manhattan Forest on 11 September 2001. That brings us back to the beginning, so to speak.

Tacitus' Annals 15.39 states:

Nero at this time was at Antium, and did not return to Rome until the fire approached his house, which he had built to connect the palace with the gardens of Maecenas. It could not, however, be stopped from devouring the palace, the house, and everything around it. However, to relieve the people, driven out homeless as they were, he threw open to them the Campus Martius and the public buildings of Agrippa, and even his own gardens, and raised temporary structures to receive the destitute multitude. Supplies of food were brought up from Ostia and the neighbouring towns, and the price of corn was reduced to three sesterces a peck. These acts, though popular, produced no effect, since a rumour had gone forth everywhere that, at the very time when the city was in flames, the emperor appeared on a private stage and sang of the destruction of Troy, comparing present misfortunes with the calamities of antiquity.

He's not fiddling but the coup is and was fiddling you and your ancestors.

Hey by the way. This will be meaningless except to a few.

"Do you think he knows who we are ?"

Yeah, blondie. I did. And I heard you , but that was most likely what you wanted.

So the question is... "do you know who we are ?" And what's next for you ?


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