Sunday, July 24, 2011

"Knights Templar" ?

The accused Norway operative that was captured is described as wanting to cause a group using the name of the Knights Templar to drive Muslims out of Europe by 2083, and with them the usurper governments descended from the 476 Germanic coup against lawful Roman rulers.

Unfortunately they'd be replaced with more post-476 illegal usurpers in his world.

Why does this look like a discrediting attempt on Knights Templar by useful idiots in the media ? Because it is. Even if you don't like Templars, you must admit that the media and "law" threw mud at them good enough for the average reader. All groups bearing that name will now be blamed for one man.

Indeed in 2008, reading Knights Templar heirs in legal battle with the Pope, one could ask why the heirs of the ruling families of Rome usurped by the Vatican in the 476 dismantling of the Empire by Germanic force of arms and assassination aren't suing both.

"Heirs" ? Please. Roman "history" forums are replete with useful idiots to the Germanics and the Jewish families that finance them saying we're all dead. If that fails, they describe idiotic stories about families they know nothing about.

So, these presumable Templar gold diggers, even if authentic, are part of the

Association of the Sovereign Order of the Temple of Christ, whose members claim to be descended from the legendary crusaders, have filed a lawsuit against Benedict XVI calling for him to recognise the seizure of assets worth 100 billion euros (£79 billion).

They claim that when the order was dissolved by his predecessor Pope Clement V in 1307, more than 9,000 properties as well as countless pastures, mills and other commercial ventures belonging to the knights were appropriated by the church.

But their motive is not to reclaim damages only to restore the "good name" of the Knights Templar.

Well certain groups operating in Norway took care of that. What a fascinating coincidence given all that loot that the usurper Pope holds. What a confused story we now have mixed with real tragedy. The usurper MIC that kills and maims at will can hold endless investigation into these organizations now because of one man.

"We are not trying to cause the economic collapse of the Roman Catholic Church, but to illustrate to the court the magnitude of the plot against our Order," said a statement issued by the self-proclaimed modern day knights.

The Templars was a powerful secretive group of warrior monks founded by French knight Hugues de Payens after the First Crusade of 1099 to protect pilgrims en route to Jerusalem.

They amassed enormous wealth and helped to finance wars waged by European monarchs, but spectacularly fell from grace after the Muslims reconquered the Holy Land in 1244 and rumours surfaced of their heretic practices...

The legal move by the Spanish group comes follows the unprecedented step by the Vatican towards the rehabilitation of the group when last October it released copies of parchments recording the trials of the Knights between 1307 and 1312.

The papers lay hidden for more than three centuries having been "misfiled" within papal archives until they were discovered by an academic in 2001.

I'd worry more about the Roman Empire and the families that built it and were oppressed for 1943 years, including one you maimed on purpose in 1998, if I were you.

That money is ours. You never commissioned a statue of Octavian or Antony.

We did.

You gave the Jews' "property" back after the Germanics decimated them.

They didn't rule Europe for a thousand years. Romans did.


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