Friday, July 22, 2011

"$17.6 million for an intelligence facility" at has-been Otis AFB

What's that mean ?

What kind of "intelligence facility" is it that people are being short changed over, stolen from and taxed over ?

Is it for more RQ-170 stealth UAVs that by the time they're on top of the camel riders or Toyota pickup trucks, the radar-less target knows they're there anyway ?

I thought the USA is broke and has no money for food, medical care and to pay bills for the retired, old, poor, disabled and people they and their MIC maimed ?

Indeed, it still owes $55,757 from the 1790 refinancing of the "Revolution".

What kind of reporting is this that the Cape Cod Times produces ? Over and over they publish articles that are a virtual press release from these people, as if they're the only ones trained in this field or the only ones smart enough to understand what they do on Cape Cod.

Two construction projects are already under way — costing a total of $17.6 million for an intelligence facility and another $7 million for a new headquarters that Schiavi says will function as the unit's operations and training building. Construction on the headquarters is just beginning, but the new intelligence facility could be completed by the end of the year, he said.

In all, the 102nd Intelligence Wing employs 1,100 full-time and traditional Guardsmen, Schiavi said, which is about the same number that worked in support of the fighter wing at the Upper Cape base.

Yes and what is it that you do, you unthinking shills for Israel ?

He's a man that when I was sitting in his driveway, his friend instructed me not to mention 9/11 ? Would it have been OK if I asked why he didn't kill the Nazi bastards who staged it, and maimed me in 1998 ?

To shut them up, they promoted that same key players in the inept (some say criminal stand down) response on 9/11, the anniversary of the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest that halted my ancestors' expansion into the territory of the Germanics harassing them.


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