Friday, July 8, 2011

Stop spending on the Military Industrial Complex

For ten years this government spent trillions fighting other peoples' wars, through a bunch of freeloader foreign puppet-in-waiting academics educated here and in Europe. They were charged with allowing corporations and credit companies into their market after profiteer war, in exchange for them ruling.

They were bought off.

As I warned months ago, there is always plenty of cost cutting and pretend ready for humans. You're the ones who wont be paid in August or September and if you mouth off, onto the list you go.

"Go ahead to the corporate vacation dear, the nice man who let the diaper bomb onto the plane has to look at my hair."

They pretend the Military Industrial Complex doesn't exist unless and until they're writing a check for it. Those checks total several times the amount spent on humans. They lost billions as announced 10 September 2001, announced by Donald Rumsfeld and purposefully disappeared into the annals of history by the coup d'etat.

The Establishment is in a panic. It has been jolted awake to the realization that the GOP House, if it can summon the courage to use it, is holding a weapon that could enable it to bridle forever the federal monster that consumes 25 percent of gross domestic product.

It's more pretend. What about cutting the other 75 percent ? A company that will collapse tomorrow without government graft isn't "private."

Third, America is in a slump, with 9 percent of the workforce unemployed, another 7 percent underemployed and the economy growing at a tepid 1.8 percent.

Who does Patrick J. Buchanan work for ? Barack Obama ?

Only an idiot Pleb and a card carrying member of the Sheep fails to realize that unemployment is a government manipulated concocted number that excludes people who the government arbitrarily decides are no longer seeking employment even if they are.

The GOP should stand its ground -- and fix bayonets.

The only bayonets that need to be fixed are against the coup d'etat that attacked the USA on the day of the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest and have attacked unimpeded every day since using finance or proxy arms.


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