Sunday, July 3, 2011

Freedom ? Gods of War shift brunt of engineered spraying to night time, think Cape Codders are "rusticks"

I thought the federal government has the 4th off ?

It's a nice white translucent sky we have today, making your now dry eyes feel like they're going to explode out of your sockets, in the same sensation as when the eye doctor gives you drops to change your pupils.

As you know if you've read this before, I've posted some impromptu photos of "them" spraying their chemical payload to build clouds and the light restricting "haze" here.

They have added new tactics, doing most of their spraying at night, as the cockroach defecates.

Being black and dark of soul, the cockroach shuns the light of day as he delivers his toxic chemical payload on your house.

They have also started spraying in other areas to reduce their exposure, and let the winds carry it in.

On many occasions they can be watched hitting the release over the Connecticut / Rhode Island border, and heading east spraying as they go.

It's illegal to make people ill, maim them and kill them.

You wouldn't want it done to you, would you ? You'd think yourselves ill used if you were.

You serve illegal masters from families that assassinated lawful rulers. If you found out the additional assassins of John F. Kennedy they would be prosecuted tomorrow.

So too can those families. There was and is no statute of limitation on murder in any time or any place.


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