Thursday, August 18, 2011

"Look at me. I have the largest red plume on my helmet."

Living here I don't see much of the self aggrandizing nonsense seen in the gallery of the Soetoro dba Obama arrival.

Being related to the list below that was toppled by these arrogant, self centered, fraudulent peasants' ancestors, I could care less.

At one time, when I was told to go to work for a Congress member in 1995 then run on their retirement, I might have cared.

A little.

Part of the "no thanks" was when I decided no descendant of a pelt wearing Germanic stooge for the Jewish banker class that started war and riots in 68 when they assassinated Nero was going to keep me on a leash as one of 435 lickspittles stepping on each other.

For that I was sentenced to die by an attempt on my life initiated by them and then nearly finished by Bilderberg Merck and a known addict doctor, and a Ft Detrick Jew doctor a year later. Sorry to say Jew. Those are facts. How do you tell two doctors for 6 months that you can't feel one arm, then the other then your legs and they just rubber stamp each other ?

"Do you think he knows who we are ?"

Oh, I know who you are. I see you whenever I want to watch you.

Do you know who we are ? Wikipedia does.

Octavii Rufi
  • Gnaeus Octavius Rufus, quaestor circa 230 BC.
  • Gnaeus Octavius Cn. f., praetor in 205 BC, during the Second Punic War; he obtained Sicily as his province, and captured eighty Carthaginian ships of burden. After the Battle of Zama, Scipio directed him to march on Carthage.
  • Gaius Octavius Cn. f., the younger son of Gnaeus Octavius Rufus, he was a simple eques, who never attempted to rise any higher in the state.
  • Gaius Octavius C. f. Cn. n., tribunus militum in 216 BC, during the Second Punic War. He survived the Battle of Cannae, and in 205 served in Sicily under the praetor Lucius Aemilius Papus.
  • Gnaeus Octavius Cn. f. Cn. n., commanded the Roman fleet during the war against Perseus, over whom he triumphed. He was consul in 165 BC, and erected the Porticus Octavia. He was assassinated at Laodiceia while on an embassy in 162.
  • Gnaeus Octavius Cn. f. Cn. n., consul in 128 BC; according to Cicero, he was accustomed to speaking in the courts of justice.
  • Marcus Octavius (Cn. f. Cn. n.), tribunus plebis in 133 BC, he opposed the agrarian law of his colleague, Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus
  • Gaius Octavius C. f. C. n., the grandfather of Augustus, possessed considerable property, and lived quietly in his villa at Velitrae. He probably augmented his income by money-lending, for both Antonius and Cassius Parmensis called Augustus the grandson of a money-lender.
  • Gnaeus Octavius Rufus, quaestor in 107 BC; perhaps the same man as the consul of 87.
  • Gnaeus Octavius Cn. f. Cn. n., consul in 87 BC, he was a supporter of the Optimates, and placed himself in opposition to his colleague, Lucius Cornelius Cinna, who was driven from the city. Octavius was slain shortly after Cinna's return with Gaius Marius.
  • Marcus Octavius Cn. f. Cn. n., tribunus plebis in an uncertain year, brought forward a law raising the price at which corn was sold to the people.
  • Lucius Octavius Cn. f. Cn. n., consul in 75 BC; in the following year he died while proconsul of Cilicia, and was succeeded by Lucius Licinius Lucullus. He is frequently confounded with the jurist Lucius Octavius Balbus.
  • Gnaeus Octavius M. f. Cn. n., consul in 76 BC, and a minor orator; he suffered such severe gout that he was unable to walk.
  • Gaius Octavius C. f. C. n. Rufus, the father of Augustus, was praetor in 61 BC. Subsequently proconsul of Macedonia, he defeated several Thracian tribes, and was saluted imperator by his troops. He died suddenly in 58.
  • Marcus Octavius Cn. f. M. n., aedile in 50 BC, he was a partisan of Pompeius during the Civil War, and commanded the fleet with considerable success. He later served under Marcus Antonius, commanding the middle of the fleet at the Battle of Actium.
  • Octavia C. f. C. n., the elder daughter of the praetor of 61 BC, and half-sister of Augustus; she married Sextus Appuleius.
  • Octavia C. f. C. n., the younger daughter of the praetor of 61 BC, and sister of Augustus; she married first Gaius Claudius Marcellus, consul in 50 BC, and second Marcus Antonius.
  • Gaius Octavius C. f. C. n., the first Roman emperor; he was the nephew of Caesar, in whose will he was adopted; in 27 BC the senate proclaimed him Augustus.
  • Octavius Rufus, a friend of the younger Plinius.
Octavii Ligures
  • Marcus Octavius Ligur, a senator, and tribunus plebis with his brother, Lucius, in 82 BC. Verres compelled him to come to Rome in 74 in order to defend his rights respecting an estate that he had inherited in Sicily, and then charged him the costs of the trial.
  • Lucius Octavius Ligur, tribunus plebis with his brother, Marcus, in 82 BC, he defended his brother's interests in Sicily from Verres during Marcus' absence. Perhaps the same person mentioned in one of Cicero's letters to Atticus.
Octavii Laenates
  • Marcus Octavius Laenas Curtianus, one of the distinguished men who supplicated the judges on behalf of Marcus Aemilius Scaurus, in 54 BC.
  • Gaius Octavius Laenas, curator of the aqueducts in Rome from AD 34 to 38, during the reigns of Tiberius and Caligula.
  • Servius Octavius Laenas Pontianus, consul in AD 131.

  • Octavius Graecinus, one of the generals of Sertorius in Hispania, he distinguished himself in battle against Pompeius in 76 BC. In 72 BC, he joined the conspiracy of Marcus Perperna, by which Sertorius perished.
  • Lucius Octavius, a legate of Pompeius during the war against the pirates, in 67 BC; succeeded Quintus Caecilius Metellus in the command of Crete, and received the submission of the Cretan towns.
  • Lucius Octavius Naso, left his estate to Lucius Flavius, praetor designatus in 59 BC.
  • Lucius Octavius Balbus, an eminent legal scholar and judex in the time of Cicero; in 42 BC he was proscribed and put to death by the triumvirs.
  • Lucius Octavius, detected in adultery by Gaius Memmius, and punished by him.
  • Octavius Marsus, legate of Publius Cornelius Dolabella, who sent him into Syria with one legion in 43 BC. After the town of Laodiceia was betrayed into the hands of Gaius Cassius Longinus, Dolabella and Octavius put an end to their own lives.
  • Marcus Octavius Herennius, originally a flute player, he became engaged in trade, and built a chapel to Hercules near the Porta Trigemina, at the foot of the Aventine Hill, supposedly in gratitude for having been delivered from pirates.
  • Gaius Octavius Lampadio, a grammarian, who divided the poem of Naevius on the First Punic War into seven books.
  • Octavius Fronto, a contemporary of Tiberius, he had been praetor, and in AD 16 spoke in the senate against the great luxury then prevailing.
  • Publius Octavius, a noted epicurean during the reign of Tiberius.
  • Octavius Sagitta, tribunus plebis in AD 58, he murdered his mistress, Pontia Postumia, because she refused to marry him after promising to do so. He was condemned and exiled to an island, but returned to Rome following the death of Nero. In AD 70 the senate again condemned him and reinstated his punishment.
  • Gaius Octavius Vindex, consul suffectus in AD 184.
  • Octavius Horatianus, a name sometimes assigned to the author of the Rerum Medicarum Libri Quatuor, usually attributed to the physician Theodorus Priscianus, who lived at Constantinople during the 4th century.

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