Monday, August 22, 2011

Globalists spin tired lies to send ground force to Libya

Here we go again with the lies like Iraq. By morning it was "30,000" MANPADs like the one that brought down TWA 800 in 1996. By night it's mustard gas (that was already destroyed, if you read that far) and the wide category of SAMs.

The U.S. and NATO have been quietly talking to National Transitional Council officials for the last several weeks about securing Libya's remaining stockpiles of mustard gas and other weapons material in the event the Gadhafi regime fell, U.S. officials confirm. Topping the list of worries is Libya's stockpile of mustard gas.

"The opposition forces are being asked to keep track of what's going on" with both weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and the regime's inventory of surface-to-air missiles, a NATO official said.

This is, of course, being ground by the propaganda mills after CFR President Richard Haass demanded a land invasion today... purely for the love of humanity of course.

And a theoretical 2 billion barrels of oil a day.


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