Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Infowars' rioting rule book ?

Paul Joseph Watson writing in Infowars seeks to educate rioters on "proper" technique:

These youths should not be seen as the vanguard of some kind of genuine revolution against an abusive system. If that were the case they would be rioting outside of Downing Street, the Houses of Parliament and Buckingham Palace. Instead they are burning down private homes and businesses while looting high-end electrical goods and clothing.

I thought all Infowars does is rail against corporations, chain stores and all the rest of that ?

Aren't the rioters' goals to show the stores that won't employ them and therefore are useless to purchase from since they lack resources, that they are no longer welcome ? Every time I see some business burned in these reports it's a chain store being named. Or some millionaire family crying their store that was founded in 1867 was demolished.

Hopefully, they have insurance. If not, they were cheap money grubbers.

Why does Infowars do all that ranting and raving, then start flipping sides ?

Was it acceptable when US or CS government demolished American businesses for the British mayhem manufacturers and their Rothschild financiers during the "revolution" in 1861 ? That "riot" targeted exactly what Paul Joseph Watson demands, yet still targeted business !

Was it acceptable when these same Germanic and Jewish usurpers who won't let anyone else rule, or into their closed business, government and law enforcement club, came to their unlawful power by trashing private Roman homes and businesses in 410 and 476 ? Not only is Cameron a Germanic and a Jew, but so is Labour leader Ed Miliband.

What revolt doesn't trash business ? So who are you protecting ?

Don't determine so early where events start or end. You may be mistaken, if anything comes out of it.

Or you may be accused of being something other than what you are.


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