Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Attack omens

Writing on Infowars, Kurt Nimmo's Attack Omen? UN Removes Staff from Syria states:

The United Nations announced Wednesday it is temporarily withdrawing some staff from Syria in light of the government’s violent crackdown on demonstrators.

Michael Williams, the U.N. special coordinator for Lebanon, said 26 non-essential international staff and their families are being relocated from Syria, the United Nations said in a release.

The real attack omen isn't even that. It's when hams from the Middle Eastern countries start showing up in unusual numbers on the air that you know the word is out.

Works every time.

Did I mention it's another threatened Nazi NATO slam against another Roman province yet, starting in 64 BC ? Isn't it fascinating how those Germanics financed by certain Jewish families engaged in the 1535 year coup against the lawful Roman Empire like to repeatedly go wherever Rome has been ?

Does it titillate the Janissary gene in them to watch their men die aimlessly, somehow ?


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