Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Great Oz has spoken

"From now on, depressions will be scientifically created."

Rep. Charles A. Lindbergh, 1913

The British Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, Field Marshall for the usual several Germanic and Jewish families that caused this and every other staged economic collapse has spoken and pinned blame squarely on you for taking the money they offered in the form of debt.

He says nothing of the Bormann group, the Rockefellers, his Rothschild handlers or the rest. They must not exist. They must not be the cause, since in order to derail that incorrect thinking, he declared the cause of these financial terror attacks to be "debt" and not a 1535 year long planned and executed coup d'etat against the Roman Empire that his country was directed to help spearhead by the Germanic usurpers.

Mr Speaker, it is not hard to identify the recent events that have triggered the latest market falls.

There has been the weak economic data from the US and the historic downgrade of that country’s credit rating.

And the crisis of confidence in the ability of Eurozone countries to pay their debts has spread from the periphery to major economies like Italy and Spain.

But these events did not come out of the blue.

They all have the same root cause.


In particular, a massive overhang of debt from a decade-long boom when economic growth was based on unsustainable household borrowing, unrealistic house prices, dangerously high banking leverage, and a failure of governments to put their public finances in order.

They create the fiat currency. They create the credit. Yet you caused the "collapse," you fools. Village idiots. What's in your heads ?

Still, the bogeyman "debt" is the cause of the (staged) collapse (attack), not examples he leaves out such as a $1 billion Armageddon bet placed two weeks ago by unknown parties.


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