Monday, August 15, 2011

Soetoro dba Obama thinks you're stupid: Arab Spring was a government and corporate production. Debt sham was staged. Stock crash was an attack.

"What is truth ?"

-Pontius Pilate
(fifth Prefect of the Roman province of Judaea under Octavian's heir Tiberius)

"We had reversed the recession, avoided a depression, gotten the economy moving again," Obama told a crowd in Decorah, Iowa. "But over the last six months we've had a run of bad luck." Obama listed three events overseas -- the Arab Spring uprisings, the tsunami in Japan, and the European debt crises -- which set the economy back.

Excuse me ?

The USA caused those "uprisings." Thus, you caused the setback. Your cohorts staged an elaborate theater ritual starting with the Geithner announcement in May. Stock market ? Another attack covered here also, starting with the $1 billion Armageddon bet.

The people doing the work knew full well that the internet has pieced together that broken cables and internet outages precede revolts that are backed by a corporate sponsored group that educates locals how to stage revolution (for the corporations).

As they prepared the espionage field as detailed below, they used corporate handled to start the ball rolling. holds annual summits, events and trainings that link influential leaders in technology, media, private and public sectors with some of the world's most promising digital activists. Since our first summit in 2008 in New York City we have held two more, in Mexico City and in London. summits faciliate collaboration between grassroots digital activists from around the world and link them with resources from major technology companies and media organizations...

Activists who are members of's network receive support for their campaigns and initiatives by and their fellow members.

Their leadership is a farcical list of Globalist tyrants who don't care who they kill or maim to open new markets for their debtor driven credit economy even as the MIC profits from war and credit based weapons sales.

He is also an Adjunct Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, where he focuses on terrorism and counter-radicalization, the impact of connection technologies, and “21st century statecraft.”Previously, he served for four years as a member of the State Department’s Policy Planning Staff under both Secretaries of State Condoleezza Rice and Hillary Clinton. In this capacity, he advised on the Middle East, South Asia, counter-terrorism, counter-radicalization, and the development of the “21st century statecraft” agenda. He is twice a recipient of the Secretary of State’s Meritorious Honor Award.

No Germanics or Jews on this list. No, sir. Nothing is going on. One percent of the population ruling is perfectly normal after they knocked over my lawfully elected ancestors in Rome with their Germanic forces. Only the two groups of the same ethnicity as the usual families like Bormann, Rothschild, Hanover and Saxe-Coburg-Gotha are allowed to ascend to high offices, but there's nothing afoot for 1535 years.

The lead article on the front page of yesterday’s Le Monde was headlined: “States and their debts: a brutal struggle since the Middle Ages”.

It's been going on since 476 and started 11 September 9, in actuality, as I've chanted for nearly two years.

In a sub headline, the paper proclaimed: “Declare war or liquidate your creditors …some historic methods of freeing yourself from debt.” It also noted cheerily that France’s debt passed 80% of GDP in 1788. Both numbers are meant to be significant. French debt is now roughly at the 80% level and 1788 was, of course, the year before the French Revolution. As the paper notes, the whole beastly mess kicked off when Louis XVI ran out of cash and convened the Estates-General to try to deal with the state’s mounting debts. You have been warned.

First they eased into the splice rooms saying it was for your protection against what they created and armed. Yet since 1914 every Western Union was handed to the intel office at the end of each shift.

In The One Percent Doctrine, by Ron Suskind, this was once again detailed to be the case. Of course by now everyone knows they get your email, credit card activity, plane activity, etc., as reported by thousands of report pages and news articles. AT & T splice rooms are now notorious, and this link represents just one of hundreds and hundreds of articles and broadcast features.

No one of any long term fortitude is protesting. They'll move on with their plans.

They eased into revolution by internet by first giving absurd cover stories for them splicing cables, then making it so obvious that each internet cable outage precedes another "revolution" staged by the groups they created.

In 2008, the USA began its preparation for the Middle East and Asia revolts by pretending not to know why cables had been "severed" on the floor of the Med. Then they pretended a series of boats simultaneously cut them day after day.

This is of course a joke when the USS Jimmy Carter was itself spliced with a room designed to allow fiber optic and other cables to be brought up into it for tapping / splicing purposes.

The submarine Jimmy Carter, which joined the Navy's fleet on Saturday, has a special capability, intelligence experts say: it is able to tap undersea cables and eavesdrop on the communications passing through them.

The Navy does not acknowledge that the submarine has this capability. "That's going to be classified in nature," said Kevin Sykes, a Navy spokesman. "You're not going to get anybody to talk to you about that."

But intelligence community watchdogs have little doubt. The previous spy submarine, the Parche, was retired last fall. That would only happen if a new one was on the way, they say.

The $3.2 billion Carter was extensively modified from its basic design, given a hull extension that allows it to house technicians and gear to perform the cable-tapping and other secret missions, experts say. The Carter's hull, at 453 feet, is 100 feet longer than the other two submarines in the Seawolf class.

The majority of Internet and international telephone traffic travels goes under the sea. When two submarine cables in the Mediterranean Sea were cut (most likely by ship anchors) on Wednesday, Internet connectivity in the Middle East and in parts of Asia cratered.

According to reports, as much as 70 percent of Egypt’s Internet connectivity was down...

What an odd coincidence for the last week in January 2008 to match the last week in January 2010.

Yes, I know, it "was" the DNS servers.

No one of any long term fortitude is protesting. They'll move on with their plans.

They concocted an absurd cover story, Georgian woman cuts off web access to whole of Armenia.

Entire country loses internet for five hours after woman, 75, slices through cable while scavenging for copper...

In simple terms, the cables are made from:

So why did she keep going at it ? She didn't. She wasn't the real cause.

No one of any long term fortitude is protesting. They'll move on with their plans.

"First there were political threats, disavowal of [presidential] elections, [European] entry bans and economic sanctions. Then there was an instigation of turmoil on our foreign currency market and dances on the bones after the blast at the Oktyabrskaya metro station," Lukashenko said addressing the parliament and his people...

"These are all links of one chain aimed to plant mistrust for the authorities and to strangle the country with a slipknot. They want to force us to be just like everybody else, like they are eventually. We are like a bone in their throat," he said.

"If they try to bend us, to bring us down to our knees, we will at least resist. We will fight for our plot of land," the president added.

Several months ago I wrote:

At each stage they release information on their nefarious profit and power grabbing acts to be sure you won't riot as they watch you and curtail your rights in increments.

Oh wait, you did riot. Some of you.

Well, in a Rasmussen Poll, 48% Think Spending Cuts Could Trigger Violence. That was released on 12 August.

Nearly one-out-of-two Americans (48%) think that cuts in government spending are at least somewhat likely to lead to violence in the United States, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. But that includes just 13% who feel it’s Very Likely.

So much for flushing money down the police and military security toilet. All they do is protect the coup against Rome and the families that comprise it, no matter where they serve and whether they know it or not.

But you know polls. Don't you ?


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