Sunday, August 28, 2011

Irene: Hot air

Did the politicians know what was being done to mitigate the effects of Irene as it grew, and not believe it ? Were they told to proceed as if nothing was being done in case it failed ? Or are they just out of the loop ?

And why does it matter when the Mayor of New York does what he did, telling 300,000 that refusal to evacuate was "illegal" ?

Only 1400 responded at the last widely published count.

He potentially endangered the lives of babies and people in ICU by evacuating 5 hospitals. Usually it's assumed that's more dangerous than leaving people.

It looks like he eventually resorted to exercising force on those who couldn't resist him, just to prove a point that didn't exist.

As goes New York, so goes the Northeast. What that office occupant does is now emulated by other cities and towns.

Once the Mayor started his decrees, so too did the Governors of the New England states, let alone the Governor of New Jersey who swore in public. I don't care about swearing, it's just that these are the same people who would turn their backs and walk away if you swear near them (as if they don't all day long).

Now the truth reports arrive by way of Drudge:

Con-Ed says Lower Manhattan flooding less than expected

There will be more.

The sun is out in Brewster at 1107 AM (1507 UTC).


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