Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Irene: More Evidence of a PSYOP to create an "emergency"

The Hartford Courant shows nonsense photos for the dim witted to be suckered by in its Irene gallery; I have first-hand accounts including the in-laws of a state rep baffled by why there was no power.

If you want to prove Irene to the public:

Stop showing us the same photos of the same rivers that flood all year round over and over.

Stop showing us photos of 75 year old houses of millionaires on jetties and stilts.

Stop showing us dips in the road that "flooded".

Stop showing us 65 year old land line and power line hardware down.

They can't, because this is a government-run PSYOP to lead the public by their 9/11 leash.

And from Hillary:

I know what you did in Rome over Libya.


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