Saturday, August 27, 2011

Circenses Irene: The politics of you need us

These post-9/11 political thugs that are threatening nonsense like this have to stop.

In a 9:30am press confrence NY Mayor Michael Bloomberg warned residents that they may have to turn off the power to areas of downtown in order to protect the lines from salt water. A decision will need to be made well in advance of any water rising in to the city.

This is really about yelling "fire" after 9/11 and seeing who listens. This is about demonstrating how easily the masses can be controlled by creating a circus from those who forget that they're being watched by equally educated, more intelligent people who don't have their jobs.

He holds a BSc in atmospheric physics from Cornell University, an International MBA from the Helsinki School of Economics, and a PhD from CCNH in biometeoelectromagnetics, a study of how natural and human-caused magnetic shifts on the planet cause climate shifts and affect our health.

That field of study is "interesting," given what I've written and shown with charts for 5 days.

Anyone who doubts that this storm was being manipulated by one or more parties as I've shown since 22 August, better do some reading of some patents, for starters.

Storms are now money makers as is the propaganda they facilitate.

Stocks in home supply stores went up.

After rumors spread in West Hartford, Connecticut, that all local stores were out of water, employees of a Whole Foods there took pictures of all the water they had in the store and posted them on the Facebook page, a spokeswoman said.

It's West Hartford. What do they need bottled water for, to bake non-GMO breads ?

Among battery makers, Energizer Holdings Inc (ENR.N) was up almost 2 percent, and Spectrum Brand Holdings (SPB.N) gained nearly 3 percent.

Drugstores and grocery stores should also see a sales lift.

"It helps the supermarkets most because people really stock up," said BB&T Capital Markets analyst Andrew Wolf, noting Supervalu Inc's (SVU.N) strength in Boston and Philadelphia, and Safeway Inc (SWY.N) and Ahold's (AHLN.AS) big presence in Washington.

This is utter stupidity and preying on people by the bureaucrats that failed on 9/11 and failed again by refusing to investigate it even as Chairman Lee Hamilton and Vice Chairman Thomas Kean said they faced obstruction... of justice.

What we do know is that government officials decided not to inform a lawfully constituted body, created by Congress and the president, to investigate one the greatest tragedies to confront this country. We call that obstruction.

Then there's the towns, police and fire departments that are cutting and pasting statements like "be ready" and "have a plan". That's earning your pay as a PIO or EM salary taker. Did their teachers ever tell them they needed specifics or say "what plan" ?

Why not just direct the clueless to or have them watch a "See Something, Say Something" sham PSA ? There must be a way to tie the two together for double the grant money.


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