Wednesday, August 17, 2011

USA should order the Sukhoi T-50 stealth fighter

With the entire US stealth fleet grounded at last report, maybe the time has come to punish the parasites in the MIC and order a product that works.

...after building more than 170 F-22 Raptors and a handful of F-35 Joint Strike Fighters, not a single one is available for service. The Air Force currently has zero flyable stealth fighters. None.

The vaunted F-22 has been grounded with a possible faulty oxygen system since May. Production of the last few Raptors is even on hold, because the jets can’t fly from the factory.

But then, what would happen to the jobs program known as the Military Industrial Complex ?

Who cares, with their salaries, perks and pensions.

Now, if these planes said SPQR on their wings and tails and not the names of artificial constructs created after 476 by the Germanic and Jewish family coup, this wouldn't be happening, since all they really want to do is rob you and kill you.

The Sukhoi T-50, jointly developed with India, flew publicly for the first time at the MAKS 2011 air show near Moscow.

The supersonic T-50 aims to match the latest US design, handling manoeuvres that are impossible to older aircraft.

Russia plans to make up to 1,000 of the jets over coming decades, with India expected to buy up to 200. However, full production is not due before 2015.

Mikhail Pogosyan, president of the Russian state-run United Aircraft Corporation which is developing the craft, said: "The T-50 jet will provide the backbone not only of the Russian air force but also that of India."


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