Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Dominionist Plumber Rick Perry lets off steam for masses

Perry, who faces a tight re-election campaign against that notorious Washington insider "Kay Bailout Hutchinson," observed that he thought the U.S. was still a "great union," but "if Washington continues to thumb their nose at the American people, you know, who knows what might come out of that?"

But he didn’t pass on Fed Chairman Bernanke. “If this guy prints more money,” Mr. Perry said, pausing, “I don’t know what you all would do to him in Iowa, but we would treat him pretty ugly down in Texas.”

What a rebel in a fitted shirt.

Yes, Dominionist, USAF officer, Texas Governor Rick Perry is out to make you think he's out to lead you away from tyranny.

CNN host Howard Kurtz even admits that, “We are in the business of kicking candidates out of the race”.

They are endeavoring to guide you toward thinking that second place candidate Ron Paul would soon be gone and bottom of the barrel Perry the nominee... with Michele Bachmann in there somewhere. Why ? Because when you decide that Ron Paul is a lost cause, you'll act that way by voting for who they want you to vote for.

In fact, Dominionist Bachmann is no better unless you like war in Kashmir because the book written to overthrow Rome by their Germanic and Jewish coup d'etat says so.

Now let's see. CNN shill and master of ceremonies Howard Kurtz is African ? No. Italian ? No. French Catholic ? Nope. Help me out here. Why is he deciding who gets "kicked out" and not a group representing more than one percent of the population ? Why is he out there picking his Dominionist allies ?

Perry takes orders from the same Bilderberg Nazis, including their flight capital investment bank Merck, as the other candidates you are allowed to choose from. Nazis aren't about killing Jews. They're about killing anyone with less money than they have. Why, Hitler even had Jewish officers. Again we turn to renowned World War II CBS reporter Paul Manning's Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile on page 134.

The movement of German assets into Switzerland had also gone well, Bormann noted from his reports. Flight capital investments had been accomplished principally through the establishment of subsidiaries of powerful German firms. Over half the total German capital in Switzerland was used in setting up holding companies representing I.G. Farben, Merck, Siemens, Osram, Henkel, and others. A holding company may not trade in any form. It may only hold stock in other companies, but through this device the existing German firms, and the 750 new corporations established under the Bormann program, gave themselves absolute control over a postwar economic network of viable, prosperous companies that stretched from the Ruhr to the “neutrals” of Europe and to the countries of South America; a control that continues today and is easily maintained through the bearer bonds or shares issued by these corporations to cloak real ownership. Bearer shares require no registration of identity, for such shares are exactly what they mean; the bearer of the majority shares controls the company without needing a vestige of proof as to how he acquired them. Thus the Germans who participated as a silent force in Bormann’s postwar commercial campaign-which is sometimes referred to by aging Nazis as “Operation Eagle’s Flight” or “Aktion Adlerflug”—insured their command over the industrial and financial institutions that were to move the new Federal Republic of Germany back into the forefront of world economic leadership.

Now, however, we have the most theocratic Republican field in American history, and suddenly, the concept of Dominionism is reaching mainstream audiences. Writing about Bachmann in The New Yorker this month, Ryan Lizza spent several paragraphs explaining how the premise fit into the Minnesota congresswoman’s intellectual and theological development. And a recent Texas Observer cover story on Rick Perry examined his relationship with the New Apostolic Reformation, a Dominionist variant of Pentecostalism that coalesced about a decade ago. “[W]hat makes the New Apostolic Reformation movement so potent is its growing fascination with infiltrating politics and government,” wrote Forrest Wilder. Its members “believe Christians—certain Christians—are destined to not just take ‘dominion’ over government, but stealthily climb to the commanding heights of what they term the ‘Seven Mountains’ of society, including the media and the arts and entertainment world.”

Rome was built on seven hills. I wonder where these "Christian" usurpers that overthrew Rome and replaced the state with a split between spiritual and temporal power by 476 found and maintained that idea ?

They define one arm of the anti-Roman coup begun in 476.

Put simply, Dominionism means that Christians have a God-given right to rule all earthly institutions. Originating among some of America’s most radical theocrats, it’s long had an influence on religious-right education and political organizing. But because it seems so outrĂ©, getting ordinary people to take it seriously can be difficult. Most writers, myself included, who explore it have been called paranoid. In a contemptuous 2006 First Things review of several books, including Kevin Phillips’ American Theocracy, and my own Kingdom Coming: The Rise of Christian Nationalism, conservative columnist Ross Douthat wrote, “the fear of theocracy has become a defining panic of the Bush era.”

If Perry is so Christian why does he take money and orders from Germanic, Bilderberg, Nazi Merck that kills and maims, often in assassination attempts for its masters ?

It's just more politicians erving to keep the mob from rioting by acting as a pressure release by making the mob think he's one of them so they won't act.


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