Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Goodnight Irene ? Sprayers up.

The jets were up and spraying quite actively, sometimes three at a time this afternoon until about 3 PM (1900 UTC) in this area.

Can we assume that was the Weather Mitigation Union's in flight meal ?

I say Mitigation because if they're building up the hurricane, then they'd be war criminals under international law.

We are breathing their bogus and costly experiment.

Note also a return to pulsed transmissions at the same frequencies, same frequency intervals and same times as the last two days at 1600 UTC today.

These pulses began on 22 August.

That's the day in 476 that Odoacer the Germanic usurper criminal was named Rex Italiae after disappearing the lawful child-Roman Emperor (of questionable German descent), Romulus Augustus.

I wonder why ?

It looks like an attack.


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