Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Circus to open soon in West Bank

How long will it be before the American media engulfs the USA in this, as warned for months ?

More fear. More emergency. More crisis. No bread. More circus.

We were told today that the naval forces of the usurpers of Roman Judea that assassinated Nero in 68 are moving toward a meet with Iranian naval forces.

And now the Dominionist lunatics' allies are arming Israeli "civilians."

According to a document acquired by Haaretz, the main working assumption of the defense establishment is that a Palestinian declaration of independence will cause a public uprising “which will mainly include mass disorder.”

The document states the disorder will include “marches toward main junctions, Israeli communities, and education centers; efforts at damaging symbols of [Israeli] government...

Who cares. It's what you did to Rome. You wanted to be "free." Defend yourselves.

The main message the army is issuing is that the demonstrations will be controlled and that the army has sufficient forces in order to deal with every disturbance. In order to be sure, there is also a decision, in principle, to equip the chief security officers of settlements with the means for dispersing demonstrations. These would include tear gas and stun grenades, although that would create a logistical problem as there’s a shortage of means for firing that type of ammunition.


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