Sunday, August 21, 2011

What's a USAID spy look like ?

Keep it up you liars, and I'll go a lot farther than this.

Give me a six. Unfounded.

You will stop using the Brewster Police to harass us, now.

I'll show you a "chilling effect," Koch.

Anyone would laugh in your face for what you're enabling and trying to use that excuse. Don't use 9/11 language for neighborhood stalkers using you to do it.

Ask your brother how that OKC terrorist is doing... I'm sure the brother of the Navy Commander would like to know.

Федеральная служба безопасности Российской Федерации

That's so I know that they're looking for the next part, if you don't tell the neighborhood liars that you're not responding to their lies any more, effective immediately.


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