Thursday, August 18, 2011

Russia Today's $1 million hit job on Ron Paul

A commentator on the Russian government-funded television news network RT boasted of a $1 million "money bomb" on behalf of U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination.

The donation raises legal questions, because while the commentator happens to be an American, allowing him to donate to Paul's presidential campaign, foreign entities such as RT are prohibited...

But contributions from RT, which observers say is tied to Russia's intelligence services, would raise legal questions. The Russian media outlet is a foreign entity and, in effect, an instrument of the Russian government. Support for Paul from RT is due to the congressman's opposition to U.S. involvement in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Russia Today and its FSB and "former" KGB handlers know full well that this is illegal.

If Ron Paul is real in his beliefs and not the class rebel designed to keep you calm by making you think someone is fighting for you, they have sought to implicate and soil him out of reciprocity for other coup members in the West to clear the field to their puppet candidates.

If Ron Paul isn't for real and is an asset of these same coup backing families, they have created an exit for him by soiling his name through this forced "connection" to unwanted donations.

Something smells. Consider the WND source, of course.


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