Thursday, August 25, 2011

Crazy bureaucrats tell Marines to stop farting. Really.

Rome never told a Legionary not to perform an involuntary normal function.

We can now be certain that bureaucrats' sh#t doesn't stink.

Thursday - 8/25/2011, 7:10am ET

WASHINGTON -- "I love the smell of napalm in the morning."

Robert Duvall forever memorialized the scent of war with his line from Francis Ford Coppola's Apocalypse Now.

But another smell of battle is not "10-4," according to new military regulations.

U.S. Marines are now banned from passing gas in Afghanistan near locals, according to Marine Times blog "Battle Rattle," which is aptly named for this subject.

Military officials have determined the practice can offend the Afghan people, the blog said. Marines are also not supposed to cuss in front of the locals, and they're instructed to avoid discussing politics, religion or women as it could escalate into a major disagreement.


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