Thursday, August 4, 2011

Putin assails 9/11 narrative for his handlers

For the truth let's turn to Vladimir Putin, KGB.

Putin defends the Soviet-era intelligence service to this day. In recent comments to a writers' group in Moscow, he even seemed to excuse its role in dictator Joseph Stalin's brutal purges, saying it would be "insincere" for him to assail the agency where he worked for so many years.

Vladimir, who is committed to "open" and "free" elections and not choosing a candidate from a list of the same families over and over like the USA, says:

­"This is complete nonsense, it is impossible," Putin said on Monday, responding to a question posed by an attendee of the Seliger 2011 youth forum.

"To imagine that US intelligence services did it deliberately, with their own hands, is complete nonsense," the prime minister said. “Only people who do not understand the workings of security agencies can say that. It would be impossible to conceal it.”

Putin added that he could not imagine how "any of the current or former US leaders could have such an idea."

Good ! Now both sides of liars have said it.

Vladimir forgets there are thousands on this side of the wall that know that as troops were murdering each other like fools in war after war, their officers regularly dined with each other- the opposing side- on fine porcelain in nice tents.

He forgets that we know that orders were sacrosanct not to target officers lest "chaos" result on the battlefield.

Similarly he forgets that we know that intelligence "services" (of their own high-life retirement) conduct themselves according to certain rules, as do diplomats and spies posing as diplomats.

He also forgets who created and ruled Europe first as do the rest.


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