Monday, August 8, 2011

Some corporate approved gibberish about Britain

In Riots: the underclass lashes out we read some corporate approved gibberish about Britain.

“In the evening there is fear, and in the morning they are gone. This is the fate of those who take our goods, and the reward of those who violently take our property.” Isaiah 17:14. No such Old Testament fate awaited the pillagers of N18, strolling away from 21st-century megastores with a looted haul of iPod accessories and designer trainers.

Mixing fake controlling religion that combined with Germanic families unlawfully toppled the Roman Empire with their modern day corporatism ?

That's rich, and absurdly blatant.

Who cares what the mob does ? The owners are over insured soulless corporations given human rights in courts as if they're alive by lunatic judges. The best you can hope for in a store is the occasional manager left on his own that sees that it's all bullshit. The rest don't care if you are hit by a falling lamp because they are told not to care since you're collateral damage.

This is the most arcane of uprisings and the most modern. Its participants, marshalled by Twitter, are protagonists in a sinister flipside to the Arab Spring. The Tottenham summer, featuring children as young as seven, is an assault not on a regime of tyranny but on the established order of a benign democracy. One question now hangs over London’s battle-torn high streets. How could this ever happen?

The author strangely goes on to detail the reasons, including the same ones as 1929. How is a democracy "benign," yet she lists symptoms existant since 1929 that are anything but benign. Do you think tens of thousands of obviously useless cameras watching the law abiding but not the people rioting are "benign" ? There's no point to me reciting history. Their problems are the USA's problems.

Mob violence, despicable and inexcusable, must always be condemned. But those terrorising and trashing London are also a symptom of a wider malaise. In uneasy societies, people power – whether offered or stolen – can be toxic.

Indeed. Given that observation, the Roman Empire is very willing to accept your surrender on behalf of your ancestors that sacked and looted Rome, dumped my ancestors' remains into the streets, stalked Italy for 1000 years, and now uses Germany to harass anew.

I'm serious. You just said "always":

Mob violence, despicable and inexcusable, must always be condemned.

You can't start the clock in 476, either.

Surrender to law, or face the mob you created.

We did.

Your turn.


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