Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Three year olds don't understand government, idiots.

Why don't we focus on making Massachusetts government obey Chapter 66 and not on lunatic policemen who think three year olds understand them.

It's not even funny when a known addict doctor nearly kills you and destroys your life and these same Massachusetts criminal imbeciles say "what do you want us to do ?" then deny you access to the records.

At 7:37 p.m., police investigated a report of a car vandalized on Webster Avenue. Police received information from witnesses stating that a three-year-old Webster Avenue resident climbed on top of the car and hit the hood with a plastic broom cover. The responding officer said he did see “small clear footprints on the hood.” Police spoke to the boy’s father who said he would keep his son away from vehicles. The officer spoke to the toddler, who apologized for damaging the car.


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