Saturday, August 6, 2011

You are at war with Nazis.

Can I be any more direct this time ?

That's abject disinformation and unproven, undocumented government press release bullshit. Were you ever introduced to that team ? No.

Now it's unlikely. It was, it wasn't, it was. Here we go again like the OBL"raid" itself. The "fog of war" is really a smoke machine gagging the public blind until they give up and go back to chewing.

Which is it, peddlers of lies ?

That SEAL team, or what was left of it, was bumped off to silence them.

Stop this coup d'etat before they stop the real USA enshrined in the Constitution.

What they started on September 11, 9 and brought to fruition in 476 in Rome is nearly complete.

What they started in 1861 in the USA is nearly complete.

When you are no longer of use, you will be killed by them.

Think about it. What's stopping them ? You're sprayed every day by jets and ignore and pretend the truth reporters are nuts or exaggerating.

What happens when they switch to poison gas ?


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