Thursday, June 30, 2011

Strauss-Khan case collapses as predicted as "the street" cleared for Greek Austerity scam

It appears that the case against Mr Strauss-Khan is falling apart with perfect timing vis-à-vis the passage of the first austerity tyrrany.

Pass austerity... release SK from his box.

Some of Mr. Strauss-Kahn’s allies even contended that he had been set up by his political rivals, an assertion that law enforcement authorities said there was no evidence to support.

Well, we aren't going to listen to police for political analysis especially after they had SK convicted and perp walked him for the cameras.

They removed him from the French Presidential race against Sarkozy, and the IMF. They were useful idiots doing their jobs, in some capacity. We assume honestly.

The latter occurred during the span ending with the passage of austerity that SK didn't appear to necessarily agree with entirely, but that the banker coup d'etat was going to get one way or the other including eating their own.

Isn't odd that austerity passes in Greece, sure to provide a precedent for the rest to have loans shoved down their throats to pay for other loans, and the case against SK is revealed as bogus ?

Among the discoveries, one of the officials said, are issues involving the asylum application of the 32-year-old housekeeper, who is Guinean, and possible links to criminal activities, including drug dealing and money laundering.

Now, drug users are often used as useful idiots and hit persons for second chances. One maimed me knowing full well what would happen and was rubber stamped by a Ft Detrick Army biological warfare lunatic doctor; and he has a job in an ER. Yet I'm persona non grata instead with no record and the name of the Emperors that built modern Europe only to have it stolen by these same maniacs' families. And where was I before the last 18 months ? It sure wasn't my mouth that caused it for 10 years.

As for Greece, why would you make a street mess in the name of fighting austerity and then the minute your un-representatives did exactly what they want and their handlers dictate, you went home ?

So the media tells us here as they did with Egypt (which turned out to be a lie).

Do the Greek people suddenly accept the heavy hand of the now banker run coup d'etat of the last 1535 years when it's imposed on them, but riot before it is ?

What sense does that make ?

You have made fools out of yourselves to the very people who now toast the fall of your protests and the breaking of your backs.

You were run as they intended, like screaming children being worn out by their parents before bedtime.

You might be as Greek as your government and police as some have said, but the people that control them are not.

Use Strauss-Khan as your inspiration. Some form of truth and victory against the 1535 year coup d'etat might still prevail.

Any thinking person knows each scam deal like that in Greece, makes bankers richer and sets up a bigger and bigger final collapse.


Usurper Obama recognizes Hitler's Muslim Brotherhood

That's Haj Amin al-Husseini over there, head of the Muslim Brotherhood in Palestine and Grand Mufti of Jerusalem in December of 1941. He's meeting with Hitler as he often did, as well as the usurper pig of Rome, Mussolini. Of course the latter, an MI6 funded shill from his days as a "journalist", saw himself as a new Augustus, a direct affront to my gens.


Given the 11 September 9 date of the Battle of Teutoburg Forest where German traitors attacked the lawful Roman Empire and the 11 September 2001 attack, if you're not getting this, you never will.

The U.S. has decided to formally resume contact with Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood group - which does not recognize Israel – in a move that could further alienate some Jewish voters already skeptical of President Barack Obama, it was reported.

One senior U.S. official said the Brotherhood’s rise in political prominence after the forced departure of former President Hosni Mubarak earlier this year makes the American contact necessary...

The Muslim Brotherhood - founded in 1928 to promote a conservative version of Islam in politics, culture and society – has previously had some communication with the U.S. through Brotherhood Members of Parliament who had been technically elected as independents. U.S. diplomats had been instructed only to deal with Brotherhood members in their role as Members of Parliament.

The part these "official" stories always omit is this.


Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Panem et Circenses at Los Alamos

For ten years the American people were sold a bill of goods that "al Qaida" was planning this or that attack. Now the Circus Maximus Americanus is hosting the fire at the gates of Los Alamos.

"It contains approximately 20,000 barrels of nuclear waste," former top security official Glen Walp said. "It's not contained within a concrete, brick-and-mortar-type building, but rather in a sort of fabric-type building that a fire could easily consume.
"Potential is high for a major calamity if the fire would reach these areas," he added.

The flames from the 108-square-mile fire reportedly have reached as close as 50 feet from the grounds.

How pray tell, does your government know that the fire started 1 PM on Sunday yet let it go this far if not on purpose, after ten years of "preparation" and 68 years of nuclear work at that site ?

Despite no wildfire currently on Los Alamos Laboratory property, the Laboratory has established a network of seven high-volume air samplers along the southern, northern and eastern boundaries of Laboratory property to verify that hazardous materials are not leaving the Laboratory in smoke from the fire. Preliminary results of air samples taken at Los Alamos National Laboratory boundaries show no radioactive materials from Laboratory operations or legacy waste in smoke from the Las Conchas fire. “There are no wildfires burning on Lab property and our nuclear and hazardous materials are accounted for and protected,” said Laboratory Director Charles McMillan.

Bird flu, swine flu, bus bombings, train bombings, train derailments, parcel bombs, mail bombs, EMP weapons, dirty bombs, nuclear bombs, food tampering, shootings, underwear bombs, e coli, market manipulation, cyber war, government arson... you name it and they've issued a terror warning for it since the 1992 year anniversary of the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest on 11 September 2001.

In fact, it's a bit of a shoot out between Los Alamos and the Nebraska nuclear power plant flood from the Missouri river.

A shocking report prepared by Russia’s Federal Atomic Energy Agency (FAAE) on information provided to them by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) states that the Obama regime has ordered a “total and complete” news blackout relating to any information regarding the near catastrophic meltdown of the Fort Calhoun Nuclear Power Plant located in Nebraska.

According to this report, the Fort Calhoun Nuclear Plant suffered a “catastrophic loss of cooling” to one of its idle spent fuel rod pools on 7 June after this plant was deluged with water caused by the historic flooding of the Missouri River which resulted in a fire causing the Federal Aviation Agency (FAA) to issue a “no-fly ban” over the area.

Despite having the world's supposedly highest security (and fire prevention is security), we are told there are flames 50 feet from Los Alamos gates and beyond that are more insecure yet secure holding areas made of cloth for more nuclear material that was long since supposed to be in Yucca Mountain.

The maneuver buys Geithner only a few months of time. If Congress does not vote by Aug. 2 to raise the debt limit, Geithner says the government is likely to default on some of its obligations, which he says would cause enormous economic harm and the suspension of government services, including the disbursal of Social Security funds.

Note that after ballyhoo about a golf game between Soetoro-Obama and Speaker Boehner, the news has vanished from the headlines as they also show you riots in Greece and flames at Los Alamos.

A failure by Congress to increase US borrowing authority by August 2 would have a “significant and unpredictable” impact on capital markets and the US economy, Barack Obama has warned.

“We don’t know how capital markets will react,” the US president said on Wednesday. “The headwinds we are already experiencing will get worse.”

It's fascinating how the public is being led from "emergency" to "emergency" since 9/11, and yet none are terror despite the warnings for ten years.

Don't worry. The next tent is being erected in the form of weeks of waiting (by the stupid, awe inspired and easily distracted) for the annual Soetoro-Obama vacation on Martha's Vineyard.

Panem et Circenses.


A test case

Jewish. Germanic. Just checking to see how many people come running because all they read is those two words because they weren't killed by them.


Monday, June 27, 2011

WCC film marked by typical corporate approved "history"

The first film that was made about radio station WCC in Chatham, Massachusetts, utilized Walter Cronkite to narrate it to make it true, and to cause any one to care enough to watch it. The no-doubt financial aid funded film maker appears to have no history credentials from Trinity College. He does what his now corporate sponsors and their retired corporate puppets at CMMC dictate for free air conditioning and as applicable, a ham station away from their wives... uh... home.

The tides of war shifted against the U-boats in 1942, thanks to the U.S. Navy's listening post in Chatham which intercepted encrypted messages between the German high command and its Atlantic fleet.

"If Germans had been able to cut off the supplies to Great Britain in the early stages of the war " the Battle of Britain would have gone the other way," said Fouhy, who knows a great story after his 35-year career in news and journalism, mostly for CBS News.

If he knows a great story why do they perpetually ignore the link to Valkyrie and forward to what is now Bilderberg ?

Why is WCC being sold as some centerpiece when in fact it was Scituate, Rhode Island that was the key ? In doing so they happen to ignore the most important role WCC played as if it was a fiction.

And why did a Globalist, CFR, Bilderberg, Bohemian Grove CBS icon narrate a story that then evolves into a CBS-retiree run sequel that obliterates the narrative of the German sub that was sunk off Chatham, and precipitated the Dutch family fleeing to Canada after they waited in vain for it at the Chatham Bars Inn ?

By omitting a "secret" sub story covered up by the Navy and Justice Department in 1993 and 1998 machinations, they make it look like it never happened because they don't mention it in a now to-be-viewed-widely film; they repeat what they want you to know and ignore what they want forgotten.

Indeed, we can expect that they completely omitted the real "secret" history, that the day after Operation Valkyrie failed to kill Hitler, a sub sailed for the USA. That sub was indeed destroyed by an airship sent by WCC's intercepts of the sub.

A Bilderberg style meeting of Nazis and Americans was clumsily first attempted in Chatham, Massachusetts at the Chatham Bars Inn during the war right after the Operation Valkyrie attempt to kill Hitler on 20 July 1944. A submarine headed for the area, but was stopped by the crew of a blimp that was under the mistaken impression that the USA was at an unorchestrated war where everything was as it seemed and not staged. When the industrialist sub was located, the Navy and Department of Justice made the story go away after 1998.

If this government allowed access to what's in the vault of that submarine, the world would have had its history rewritten. Why else would the Navy and DOJ care about 60 year old memorabilia about dead men ? Their coup isn't dead and their children inherited it. They negotiated an end to the war and the details of who would do what as in Operation Paperclip, the continued ownership of BMW and the ongoing use of Merck as a de facto bank for SS assets.

Bilderberg features the Germanic families of Europe that overthrew the lawful Roman Empire, assassinated lawful Roman rulers and now demand that you not do it to them.

The sequel obliterates the truth that Scituate Rhode Island was the important station, a fact carried in the January 1986 issue of Yankee by Thomas Cave, of the FCC Radio Intelligence Division.

Even more amazing than the proposal to build UN headquarters in North Scituate was the reason it almost happened: Chopmist Hill was thought to be the only place in North America where radio signals from around the world, of virtually any strength and frequency, could be picked up clearly.

The astonishing and little-known story of the Chopmist Hill Monitoring Station began in 1940 when Thomas Cave, a tall, intense Bostonian who was a top agent of the Federal Communications Commission's Radio Intelligence Division (RID), leased the l83-acre Suddard farm. Chopmist Hill was to become the most important of 150 RID monitoring stations listening in on enemy communications during World War II.

The entire property was dotted with telephone poles on which 85,000 feet of antenna wire was strung. Cave and his men were able to listen in on conversations between German General Erwin Rommel and his tank commanders in North Africa during the critical battle of El Alamein in 1942. All through the battle, Cave kept calling the Narragansett Electric Company to send crews to Chopmist Hill to move the antenna poles in order to improve reception. On another occasion, Chopmist Hill saved the ocean liner Queen Mary, loaded with 10,000 Allied troops, by intercepting orders broadcast to a wolf pack of German U-boats in mid-Atlantic. One of the reasons there was almost no sabotage inside the U.S. was that Chopmist Hill was able to pick up and pinpoint the location of every radio transmitter that German agents set up...

However, a week after the visit, the search committee announced that UN headquarters would be built in New York. How seriously they considered the Rhode Island site may never be known. The irony is, as Cave admitted shortly before his death in 1983, that it was not any super-receptivity of the site, but the advanced and top-secret radio equipment used there that made Chopmist Hill's place in history.

WCC retirees and their friends are engaging in the self aggrandizing malarkey marketing typical of Cape Cod. They take corporate handouts even as they de facto ban Walmarts, Targets, Kohl's... or Stop and Shop from building gas pumps in Orleans. They spar with the hand that feeds their museums, Verizon, from building cell towers as needed.

This year's new exhibits were financed by a $100,000 donation from the Qualcomm wireless company in honor of Verizon executive Richard Lynch. Now the museum is working with mobile phone manufacturer Sony Ericsson on a new exhibit, also designed to expose and interest younger generations in careers in science and technology, museum spokesman Frank Messina said.

Thus the corporate-approved history narrative is safe for casual consumption once more.


ICC starts history clock in 476, ignores past, issues sham corporate demanded warrant for Gaddafi

The International Criminal Court has once again issued another sham warrant that easily could be issued for the very people it claims to derive its power from. It has again started the clock at the year 476 for its controlling families and their "government" front men / puppets even as its corporate handlers create casinos for Native American tribes in existence when the Roman Empire was invaded illegally and Emperors were assassinated.

Why is one recognized and not the other ?

It issues warrants and tries "crimes" only for those who don't comply with its corporate handlers. It doesn't issue warrants or try their corporate handlers or the members of the anti-Roman coup d'etat run to this day by families proud to say they are descended from the Visigoths that assassinated lawful Roman Emperors.

Where is the same warrant for the "Windsors", Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and the rest ? For those companies that enter the marketing vacuum left by removing nationally made products ?

Why does this matter ?

As the "recognised and undisputed leader of Libya", said the court, Col Gaddafi had "absolute, ultimate and unquestioned control" over the state.

He introduced a state policy "aimed at deterring and quelling by any means, including by the use of force, the demonstrations of civilians against the regime", the court alleged.

Protest your Western "leaders" lately ? Do they let the hundreds or thousands run the "street", a term used by Zbigniew Brzezinski ? No, they send out police and military no matter what. Why ? They are "deterring and quelling by any means, including by the use of force, the demonstrations of civilians against the regime". They overthrew my family in Rome by assassination, but God be damned, you won't do it to them.

Have you seen Greece, forced to accept money they don't want and therefore austerity terms they don't want ? It's the same stunt the Globalist bankers use on you at then national level. They sell off your account to another bank and tell you that you don't have to accept the hijacked terms. You can pay off the card right now if you refuse to accept the new account owner's larceny.

These same stooges exercise that power at the Bilderberg meeting in Switzerland and do it every year at the G-x meetings, and Bilderberg. They effectively did it in Rochester, New York, not once but twice in recent weeks to a woman recording the police in her own yard.

They do it by the very act of ignoring Congress' will and making Congress too gutless to enforce it by cutting off funding for the military, thinking its personal. No, it's not anti-military to cut off funding. It's anti-corporation and anti-Globalist. That's the way Jefferson and Madison intended.

Florida Republican Tom Rooney, sponsor of the House measure to restrict funding to non-hostile military activity, said it is needed because the president “is breaking the law” by conducting the military operations without Congress’s approval.

Indeed, so how does Soetoro-Obama himself not fit the terms of the Gaddafi arrest warrant ? To wit:

As the "recognised and undisputed leader of Libya", said the court, Col Gaddafi had "absolute, ultimate and unquestioned control" over the state.

He introduced a state policy "aimed at deterring and quelling by any means, including by the use of force, the demonstrations of civilians against the regime", the court alleged.

What do their handlers, the Jewish financier and Germanic figurehead families of Europe represent other than abject illegitimacy at the tip of a gun ?

Gaddafi, who sought vassalage just a few years ago by renouncing terror only to have this sham directed at him through corporate sham and other corporate and intelligence front outfits, knows this. He's been around too long not to know.

On Sunday, government spokesman Moussa Ibrahim said the court was overly preoccupied with pursuing African leaders and had "no legitimacy whatsoever".

That's correct.

They represent an illegal Germanic and Jewish coup d'etat that was initiated against Rome by treason on 11 September 9 in the Teutoburg Forest by the Germanic traitor Arminius. It continued in 68 when they assassinated my ancestor Nero. They were so scared of the stability of their cabal that they then engaged in 1943 years of lies, including inventing a religion to replace Roman religion virtually date for date and god for god. They told the sheep that Nero burned Rome playing an instrument that wasn't invented until the 16th century. First, that tells you when the story actually dates from. Second, it tells you that it's propaganda.

In 410 they sacked Rome and dumped Ottaviano remains they feared so much into the streets of Rome; try that with them now and the conditioned masses would be outraged at you and not the puppet masters who oppress them.

In 476 they seated their own puppet Germanic Emperors only to kidnap and assassinate them, and replace them directly with the families now running this "revolution" and the others as the latest scam against the world. If you fought in World War I, you were suckered by Germanic cousins in Russia, Germany and Britain who signed each telegram "with love" as they facilitated you mowing each other down. In World War II, they did it again, having changed their names to Windsor. And when it was over they met as Bilderberg and other cabals. They had you fly their Nazi party family to America to build corporate weapons and a go-nowhere space program endlessly.

For 1535 years their masters have looted, murdered and maimed people worldwide through sham staged wars that they orchestrated and financed both sides of, including the US Civil War.


Sunday, June 26, 2011

Bernanke pretends.

Chairman Bernanke continues to pretend instead of just saying "no" like he did to Bernie Sanders when he asked where the bail out went.

During the first press conference in the central bank’s history two months ago, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke used the word to describe factors — including supply chain disruptions after the earthquake and tsunami in Japan and rising oil prices — that were restraining economic growth in the first half of the year.

Earlier this week, Mr. Bernanke confessed that “some of these headwinds may be stronger and more persistent than we thought,” adding, “we don’t have a precise read on why this slower pace of growth is persisting.”

Economists say the unexpected shocks from Japan and the Middle East in the first half of the year go only partway toward explaining the deceleration. Many worries remain: housing prices have continued to fall, hiring is weak, wages are flat, growth in emerging economies like China and India is slowing and the debt crisis in Europe could have ripple effects.

"Unexpected" ?

It's been documented by me and countless others not beholden to these criminals that the revolts were caused by the USA and a group of corporations trying to force their way into markets, including Coke and Pepsi.

In 2008, the Alliance of Youth Movements held its inaugural summit in New York City. Attending this summit was a combination of State Department staff, Council on Foreign Relations members, former National Security staff, Department of Homeland Security advisers, and a myriad of representatives from American corporations and mass media organizations including AT&T, Google, Facebook, NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, and MTV.

Then there is the staged corporate sham,, which was set up to infiltrate more foreign markets for more corporations where they feel they're just not infiltrated enough with their chemicals, credit economics and other cheap plastic crap.

And it's strange. All I see here are more corporate Jews (and some Germanics) like the ones that murdered me as well. Sorry. It's true. But... nothing is going on, you anti-Semite conspiracy theorist. There are plenty of Italians and others making up the other 98 percent of the world populations sweeping their floors and even stuffing their envelopes. Wow ! That's fair. Go back to eating. is officially partnered with the US Department of State and Columbia Law School. Its corporate sponsors include Google, Pepsi, and the Omnicon Group, all listed as members of the globocrat Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). CBS News is a sponsor and listed on the globocrat Chatham House’s corporate membership list. Other sponsors include Facebook, YouTube, Meetup, Howcast, National Geographic, MSNBC, GenNext, and the Edelman public relations firm.’s “team” includes Co-Founder Jared Cohen, a CFR member, Director of Google Ideas, and a former State Department planning staff member under both Condoleezza Rice and Hilary Clinton.

They were prepared by educating the "revolutionaries" in advance and by using submarines to cut undersea cables in 2008.

There is nothing "unexpected" in this coup begun against Rome 1943 years ago.

They eased into staged, planned "revolution" by internet by first giving absurd cover stories for them splicing cables, then making it so obvious that each internet cable outage precedes another "revolution" staged by the groups they created.

In 2008, the USA began its preparation for the Middle East and Asia revolts by pretending not to know why cables had been "severed" on the floor of the Med. Then they pretended a series of boats simultaneously cut them day after day.

This is of course a joke when the USS Jimmy Carter was itself spliced with a room designed to allow fiber optic and other cables to be brought up into it for tapping / splicing purposes.

The submarine Jimmy Carter, which joined the Navy's fleet on Saturday, has a special capability, intelligence experts say: it is able to tap undersea cables and eavesdrop on the communications passing through them.

The Navy does not acknowledge that the submarine has this capability. "That's going to be classified in nature," said Kevin Sykes, a Navy spokesman. "You're not going to get anybody to talk to you about that."

But intelligence community watchdogs have little doubt. The previous spy submarine, the Parche, was retired last fall. That would only happen if a new one was on the way, they say.

The $3.2 billion Carter was extensively modified from its basic design, given a hull extension that allows it to house technicians and gear to perform the cable-tapping and other secret missions, experts say. The Carter's hull, at 453 feet, is 100 feet longer than the other two submarines in the Seawolf class.

The majority of Internet and international telephone traffic travels goes under the sea. When two submarine cables in the Mediterranean Sea were cut (most likely by ship anchors) on Wednesday, Internet connectivity in the Middle East and in parts of Asia cratered.

According to reports, as much as 70 percent of Egypt’s Internet connectivity was down...

What an odd coincidence for the last week in January 2008 to match the last week in January 2010.

Yes, I know, it was the DNS servers.

No one of any long term fortitude is protesting. They'll move on with their plans.

They concocted an absurd cover story, Georgian woman cuts off web access to whole of Armenia.

Entire country loses internet for five hours after woman, 75, slices through cable while scavenging for copper...

In simple terms, the cables are made from:

No one of any long term fortitude is protesting. They'll move on with their plans.

Check your internet connection, yet, Mr. President ?

"First there were political threats, disavowal of [presidential] elections, [European] entry bans and economic sanctions. Then there was an instigation of turmoil on our foreign currency market and dances on the bones after the blast at the Oktyabrskaya metro station," Lukashenko said addressing the parliament and his people...

"These are all links of one chain aimed to plant mistrust for the authorities and to strangle the country with a slipknot. They want to force us to be just like everybody else, like they are eventually. We are like a bone in their throat," he said.

"If they try to bend us, to bring us down to our knees, we will at least resist. We will fight for our plot of land," the president added.

At each stage they release information on their nefarious profit and power grabbing acts to be sure you won't riot as they watch you and curtail your rights in increments.


Saturday, June 25, 2011

Not even close.

I have no idea why Alex Jones keeps using this image of Soetoro-Obama as Caesar.

He has no relation at all to that branch of Europe.

Pharaohs would shudder, but still be more accurate a satire given Egypt's location.

Infowars is becoming too Politically Correct when they weigh their satire such that it falls short.


ARRL Field Day is every year. It's a contest.

It seems the Massachusetts schools don't teach analytic thinking or government very well in the eastern part of the state.

Field Day is every year. It's a contest. The use of 1x1 callsigns incorrectly is from the same people who think they own the frequency a repeater is on when it's not in use. They also think comments on local government officials they suck up to and who discriminate against people not born in Massachusetts, are grounds to start a brawl.

• The intention of the Amateur Radio 1x1 Call Sign system is to provide a special
call sign for a special event operation which usually commemorates an event
which is publicly significant (ideally, this is a one time, non-recurring celebration,
festival, anniversary, holiday, convention, dedication, public demonstration, etc.).

While the 1x1 Call Sign system in not intended for the exclusive ability to have a short call sign during an upcoming amateur radio operating event or contest, should such an operating event or contest time frame fall within the same time frame of an event which has been coordinated with a purpose as outlined above, the special event 1x1 call sign can certainly be used for any Amateur Radio operating purpose during the coordinated time period.

Field Day is every year. It's a contest. No code means low IQ, less effort and arrogance that a ham license makes you a quarter century ham. Piss off a 23 year ham who passed a 20 WPM code test with discriminatory Cape Cod used names that aren't the case, and you reap what you sew.



I wonder if the Barnstable area hams have realized that with one of them in CCH for a "heart attack" the last several hours, that the non-stop keying of the 146.955 repeater has stopped ?


Being liars they'd rather assail people from Connecticut.

Oh that it was 1988 and there was still a Morse Code test to keep those with tacit interest and $149 for a 2 meter FM radio at bay.

Oh that it was 1988 and they all still lived off Cape.

Their living here is the result of bank hand-outs. Their presence on the radio is the result of government hand-outs.

Then the tyrant government that murdered me thinks you're not going to get "angry."

The republic is in the hands of maniacs.


Friday, June 24, 2011

Oil release preparation for price manipulation and profit taking

I think my title is much more accurate than Oil release not a political move: Geithner.

U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner defended the decision by industrialized nations to release emergency oil reserves into global energy markets, saying on Friday that it was not a political move.

"It's really as simple as this: there's a war in Libya, costs between one and two million barrels a day in lost output, I think 140 million barrels off the market so far," he said in response to a question at Dartmouth College, where he spoke on a panel.

"Reserves exist to help mitigate those kinds of disruptions and we helped to organize a coordinated global international response to help ease some of that pressure," he added.

"War ?"

They said it was an (unlawful Germanic and Jewish anti-Roman coup directed ) "Kinetic Military Action" against Creta et Cyrenaica.

Tim didn't care much about oil prices before. And the price has fallen recently.

It's strange timing.

After this stunt in a time of lower gas prices than we've seen in months (but still far higher overall), the member countries will all have to replace their reserves at far higher prices than it was in years past as they sat on it.

This will drive the cost even higher after a small drop in the pump price following the release of reserves.

When will they fill it ? When sources claim that NATO will invade Libya.

If land invasion occurs, the price to replace the reserves will be even higher. That will drive the prices higher still.

Stop lying Tim.


When U2 acts like them, maybe they were them all along

What politicians have you met with lately ?

U2 and its frontman Bono, known for their global poverty-fighting efforts, were accused of dodging taxes in Ireland by activists who crashed their performance at England's Glastonbury festival.

The anti-capitalist group Art Uncut inflated a 6-metre balloon emblazoned with the message "U Pay Your Tax 2." Security guards wrestled them to the ground before deflating the balloon and taking it away. About 30 people were involved in the angry clash.

Bono fan Gary Noble, 45, said he found the security response "all a bit shocking."

Art Uncut argues that while Bono campaigns against poverty in the developing world, his group has avoided paying Irish taxes at a time when his austerity-hit country desperately needs money.

Ireland, which has already accepted an international bailout, is suffering through deep spending cuts, tax hikes and rising unemployment as it tries to pull the debt-burdened economy back from brink of bankruptcy."

You don't get a recording contract easily.

You don't escape paying that much in taxes easily.

Looks like they were more safety valves to prevent a riot over a

concocted farce to divide and conquer created by the Germanic families and Jewish families that overthrew Rome in 476 beginning through the assassination of, and attacks on, my ancestors the Octavii on 11 September 9 in the Teutoburg Forest.

In 1517 the coup d'etat needed a face-lift to drag it out. Enter "Protestants."

The result ? Five hundred years of new wars, profits, and population culling.

31 October 1517. Strange. These dates just keep reappearing...


Thursday, June 23, 2011

Alex Jones at cross purposes again as Ron Paul works with supposed adversary Barney Frank

In yet another moment that should make anyone question Alex Jones, he suddenly trumpets the "Natural News" of Ron Paul and financial raider and prostitution host Barney Frank seeking to legalize marijuana, or buy votes by appearing to.

Four decades of the so-called “War on Drugs” has led only to the suffering of millions of innocents, the crowding of our prisons with non-violent citizens, the utter waste of billions of dollars on law enforcement and the (in)justice system, and the enriching of underground drug gangs who thrive on violence. The outlawing of marijuana in America has been a disastrous political policy and an insane medical policy. It has labeled biochemical addicts “criminals” and thrown them in prisons to be treated like dogs.

As well they should be, when Alex Jones' frequent guest Paul Craig Roberts only yesterday directed us to watch "Inside Job". In that film we are shown the rampant Wall Street and banker drug use and its role in taking down the economy in 2008.

Drug users are not committing a victim less crime.

A doctor, Kenneth P. Patterson who admits it by his own hand in the public records of the Board of Registration in Medicine, was using drugs when he nearly killed me for the Bilderberg "bank" of the SS, Merck, aided by a Ft. Detrick immunology and chemical warfare trained Dr. Paul Sklarew.

They nearly buried me.

My heart nearly exploded from their Dr. Mengele-like cabal with Merck, which was rooted in a Globalist attempt to murder me for refusing to become a Congressional sock puppet in 1995 after I was urged to work for a Congressional member and then run. Admittedly in 1995 and 1996 I was not thinking in these terms now easily accessed on the internet, even though I was warned by a girl whose father worked for the EU.

That's how immediate the offer was. "Work, then you'll run when ... retires."

When I protested that I was registered as a Republican I was told "you know party doesn't matter... so you'll switch."

What a coup it would have been for the Jewish financiers and Germanic power brokers to co-opt a descendant of the Octavii as an American governmental sock puppet.

When I said "no, I'm going to law school after a break" having already taken the LSAT, they tried to murder me during the break.

I should have known it was coming when a professor who was then the President of the College nearly exploded with me for writing my thesis in a way he obviously thought, to reduce it to a simple statement, was incompatible with Globalist thinking.

Earlier, as my last major task at Trinity, I decided to write my thesis on 1902 in Connecticut like a sovereign person instead of how they wanted it written. Imagine thinking someone would wrap the 1902 Connecticut state Constitutional Convention in Globalist thought as well ? How absurd. Once it was public, I was told in a sneering growl unbecoming a man of the cloth that "if I knew that was how you thought, I'd have made sure you didn't get into Phi Beta Kappa instead of making sure you did". He then ignored my family and I at a history dinner, and all remaining events.

I suppose, had I wanted to be a bastard, I should have said "and if this was the year 9, I'd have crucified you for that outburst, Christian".

Several years after my mauling, and about a hundred days spent in hospital to that point, a spook administered an unknown substance that prevented my death after repeated near fatal heart flare ups on and off spent in Cape Cod Hospital. When he said "this will stop what they did to you", I wasn't even thinking in those terms. It wasn't until a year later when the heart flare ups stopped after their course of permanent damage, that I realized the scuffle that ensued in the hall outside after I hit the call button because my arm was on fire and beet red was related.

I had been given an IV bag labeled for a woman... in another room... discharged days earlier... by a "new" nurse who said he was "just out of the military".

Co-opted drug users in positions of power are a plenty big threat to be dealt with.

Maybe Dr Paul would like to consider my destroyed life with neuropathy, vasculitis, cardiomyopathy, near bleed-outs and blood transfusions, deadly infections and the rest, before he speaks again ?

I won't even address that other creature that Dr Paul suddenly has a use for after spending countless hours deriding his economic handlers.

What happened to the Federal Reserve, Dr Paul ?

I hear steam escaping from the safety valve in Congress. There's always one open to prevent a riot.


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Roman Empire attempts to tell Jewish financier and Germanic families to shove NATO again

A coup d'etat started by assassination of my family by the present Globalist families leading you to World War III (or IV if you count their French and Indian War) is as forever illegal as murder. There is no statute of limitations on the assassinations or the results.

Witness their own stunt in Kuwait.

As I discussed earlier (before the war of words I used over the last week to get my property from these lunatics), Italy attempted this soon after the NATO Germanic and Jewish familial directed bombing of Roman Creta et Cyrenaica.

Now we read this heart touching moment by yet another Germanic beholden to Jewish money bossing around Rome.

Rasmussen said in a video statement on the NATO website that the Western bloc "will continue this mission because if we stop, countless more civilians could lose their lives."

Do you mean like the nine you just killed on purpose to show what will happen to the rest if they don't obey you after Gaddafi is gone ?

Rasmussen also said NATO was acting with "utmost care" to avoid civilian casualties.

Really ? Weapons fail so infrequently and still you hit your own rebels...

Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini earlier the same day called for "an immediate humanitarian suspension of hostilities" in Libya to make space for humanitarian aid corridors.

Franco ! You took long enough to develop a conscious that you're being run by the enemies of Rome ! Congratulations.

The alliance has admitted that one of its bombs misfired in Tripoli on June 19, hitting a residential area in an incident the Libyan regime says killed nine people.

Frattini today warned such incidents could harm the alliance's credibility.

I'd think this would end NATO, not harm it.

That is to say that NATO continues to have an amazing ability to hit the wrong targets over and over in Libya.

That's because NATO is teaching the "rebels" what will be done to them if they don't follow NATO's corporate handlers' orders if they remove Gaddafi.

"We regret any possible loss of life or injuries caused by this unfortunate incident," NATO said.

Wow. That's more than their Nazi German Bilderberg and CFR member Merck said to me, and I was told I was going to be one. Those dead Libyans did well.

I wrote previously:

A US Congresswoman says you're lying about the target you strike but given your role as the army of the usurpers of Rome, this is no surprise.

Defence Secretary Dr Liam Fox said: "We are not trying to physically target individuals in Gaddafi's inner circle."

Yes and you're "not" suppressing, assassinating and maiming members of the families that ruled Rome and ignoring them if that fails for 1535 years either.
None other than former US Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, harassed out of the Congress by these same useless eaters in her own right for thinking that Congressional members were independent operators, declares the NATO target list to be an lie and expresses that the reporters with her say one comment off the record and write the drivel they are ordered to on the record.

I haven’t
forgotten my concern for the children of Iraq that Madeleine Albright
said were OK to kill by U.S. sanctions if U.S. geopolitical goals were
achieved. I care about the children of Palestine who throw stones at
Israeli soldiers and get laser-guided bullets to their brains in

On 22 May 2011, I had the opportunity to visit the residence of the
Qaddafi family, bombed to smithereens by NATO. For a leader, the house
seemed small in comparison, say, to the former Clinton family home in
Chappaqua or the Obama family home. It was a small whitewashed
suburban type house in a typical residential area in metropolitan
Tripoli. It was surrounded by dozens of other family homes.

I spoke with a neighbor who described how three separate smart bombs
hit the home and exploded, another one not exploding. According to the
BBC, the NATO military operations chief stated that a “command and
control center” had been hit. That is a lie. As anyone who visits the
home can see, this home had nothing to do with NATO’s war. The strike
against this home had everything to do with NATO adopting a policy of
targeted assassination and extra-judicial killing — clearly illegal.

NATO was formed by a Nazi officer after the War and admitted to be an extension of the Reich as is Merck, BMW and Mercedes among others such as Bilderberg. It was created as a term of German surrender along with Paperclip after World War II.

NATO is nothing more than an involuntary union of force imposed during the fraudulent MIC run profiteer Cold War in order to suppress any attempts to revive a European Empire by keeping the noose around their neck as determined by Bilderberg. They purposefully start their family "history" in 476. That's by design after they overthrew my family and dumped their ashes out of the Mausoleum of Augustus in 410.

In Italy, on 3 August 1990, then-prime minister Giulio Andreotti confirmed the existence of a secret army code-named “Gladio” - the Latin word for “sword” - within the state. His testimony before the Senate subcommittee investigating terrorism in Italy sent shockwaves through the Italian parliament and the public, as speculation arose that the secret army had possibly manipulated Italian politics through acts of terrorism.


“This Europe will have no future,” Italian representative Falqui opened the debate, “if it is not founded on truth, on the full transparency of its institutions in regard to the dark plots against democracy that have turned upside down the history, even in recent times, of many European states.” Falqui insisted that “there will be no future, ladies and gentlemen, if we do not remove the idea of having lived in a kind of double state - one open and democratic, the other clandestine and reactionary. That is why we want to know what and how many "Gladio" networks there have been in recent years in the Member States of the European Community."

So it was that during the early rounds of attacks on Libya, free thinking Italian officers and officials stood down and refused to engage, demanding that NATO stop using Italian bases against a fictitious enemy of their contrivance.

Italy will host a one-day summit Thursday on Libya, bringing together the main international players in the six-week NATO campaign, including U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Albright said that she had received a number of letters with information about her family background since the 1989 collapse of communism in Czechoslovakia and particularly since 1993, when her name began appearing in the papers as the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. Some of the letters contained erroneous information, such as the claim that she was born in Belgrade.

In this context, Albright had also received "the occasional letter which would say something about the fact that my family was of Jewish origin," she said. "This obviously has become more intense the more my name has been in the paper and [in connection with] my current job [as secretary of state]."

Another absurd government lie... to say that she didn't know what she was.
This latest sham was to create the next NFL-style team based sham war for the Germanic familial and bureaucrat and Jewish financier dominated union. This is what they've done hundreds of times since their assassination of the lawful Roman Emperor of their choosing in 476 after which they simply parked their own German posteriors on the Roman throne to this minute.


Behold, another land hurricane... and earthquake in Japan

And as for the HAARP Magnetometer, as in clouds, Nature doesn't use a straight edge...


W1BSG character assassinates Connecticut hams again

What are you NTS people doing "down there" ?

You're the "Connecticut Black Hole" to these morons here on Cape Cod.

First understand that their bitching out Connecticut is nothing new. They do it at least once every day.

Just leave your money here and send them federal aid for schools and buses and tennis courts under Community Preservation grants.

And now you've lost their NTS traffic !

You idiots ! That's like maiming a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Trinity College and then tampering with their mail for 21 days !

They're going to show you. Better put on your Depends. They're going to trace those messages according to past Nickerson Family Association President W1BSG.

(That's like being a Congressman to a Cape Cod numb nut)

Now not only do the nuts on Cape Cod think they control Cape Cod because no one told them sit down and shut up, they now control people in Connecticut.

They're so used to telling another town here what stores to let in, that they now think they run another state.

And it goes beyond amateur radio. Amateur radio is just an example of their insolent "we're in charge if you don't like it, leave" behavior.

Remember what the Connecticut State Trooper said to me when I told him they nearly let me die and then did nothing to the assassins:

"I understand that they don't do much out there. Not much that's right, anyway."


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Brewster Police open to lawsuit, interfering with US mail since 2001

That about sums it up.

I've tolerated ten years half-dead and you know it.

I never heard of a police chief refusing to meet people.

Why is he being paid ? To play video games in his office ?

Think all that Roman stuff is a joke ? Think again. The people running the tens of thousands of you assassinated us to get there. Their turn is coming.

Enjoy your clear sky today ? You would have had a white one again like yesterday.


WQ1O and W1BSG craft deranged boot licker lie that DHS testing hams

On multiple occasions, amateur radio operators WQ1O and W1BSG have been heard saying the Department of Homeland Security will be testing hams, apparently to allow them to volunteer for ARES, the Amateur Radio Emergency Service. It's also known as "men with radios and no actual police or fire training".


I checked.

What a joke. They couldn't get police and fire losers to take the FEMA classes they were ordered to take. They used their unions to bitch their way out of it.

In 2009 at the Falmouth ARA Hamfest, Red Cross Hyannis "employee" WQ1O told me that "all Red Cross blood has AIDS in it, you better get tested," citing my multiple transfusions.

Does that sound normal to you ?

It's time to engage these idiots in on air corrective acts and stop them from lying for security theater.

I'd like clergy member Dave to discuss the "Clergy Response Teams" that are real and exist to tell you to comply with any command lest you burn in "hell"...


TSA will search my car after I'm dead. What's wrong with the rest of you ?

UPDATE: According to at least one news report out of Brownsville, Texas, TSA/VIPR has already conducted unannounced inspections of private passenger cars and trucks. Thanks for the tip, reader @jwindz.

The Fourth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America states that this is the law. You don't get to pick and choose because of a staged "terror attack".

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated; and no Warrants shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

My car doesn't fly, and your post-military whacker welfare to work program gives you no authority. You're not sworn law enforcement officers. You took a hack's "oath", and you're security guards.

You want to touch the car of a descendant of Julius Caesar, Octavian and Mark Antony, that you maimed and nearly buried through the 1998 assassination attempt on my life, you'll have to fight for it.

You maimed me for life.

You're heading to Civil War.

Keep the radios you fuckers. This is a shit country since 9/11. I'd say since 31 October 1998, the day I died for all purposes.

Get some balls, you American cowards. Fight them. You all sit on your fat asses and play with your Xboxes and stare at flashing blue lights like deer in headlights as they loot you blind.

Keep the radios you fuckers. I have plenty.


Monday, June 20, 2011

Chemtrails turn sky white over Cape Cod on 20 June

"Haze" doesn't come out of the ass end of a tanker jet.

Do you choke your mother with that fist you use on the release lever ?


NOAA's Henry Bigelow attends offshore Chemtrail festival

The Henry Bigelow was the ship that went through the Cape Cod Canal as storms with driving rain were generated in front of the PAVE PAWS radar face in summer of 2008.

This weekend it attended an offshore Chemtrail festival.

Yeah, I know they were dragging to count scallops... sure.

Their tracking is giving a designation of

Ship Type: Military Ops

according to

They must be terrorist scallops.


State of Massachusetts thinks I care about security theater after they deprived me of my right to life in 1998

I can't fly, I can barely leave this town. I can barely walk thanks to this government. Yet they harassed me before I ever spoke a word dating back 8 years ago or more.

Foreign readers take note. Stay out of this state if you know what's good for you. Don't give them one tourist dime until this is sorted out.

Massachusetts is a tyrannical corporatist MIC state that thinks they get to maim you and nearly kill you by an hour, and that you'll shut up forever.

They engage in pen registers and mail covers as soon as parcels hit the Massachusetts border even if they have already been looked at by federal authorities.

They intercept cellular and landline conversations, a redundant farce given NSA.

They watch your banking, and buying of good in bona fide stores, a redundant farce given NSA.

They are domestic terrorists by their own definition, targeting people they think won't complain like the injured and disabled.

They should have watched bumbling idiot Massport head Jane Swift, whoever caused 9/11...

I can barely leave my house. Where do they get off delaying packages, making them vanish from tracking and dumping tracking data after delivery so you can't track them ?

Surely Representative Chris Murphy and John Larson would not endorse this harassment allowed by the Massachusetts delegation.


CIA Asset Brewster Police Chief Koch facilitates Chemtrail spraying of town by Falmouth eugenicist John P. Holdren

This morning was a busy one for jets leaving trails of fluffy smoke that last for hours.

Clouds don't let sunlight through. Clouds don't glow white. Clouds don't turn the sky UN beret puke blue.

Clouds don't form out of spray by jets. Clouds don't form out of jet engine "exhaust" sprayed with one chemical leaving one plane and the other leaving another.

Planes don't purposefully fly through one another's engine wash, or exhaust.

So screw you and your lungs and your vascular system.

They'll all retire to Maine anyway.

The Serbs had the right idea with that F-117A, eh ? It sacked the entire fleet.

It's what the Soviets did with the U-2, in a way. It gave instant exposure and confirmation of lies.

What did they know, and you were lied to about ?


Release it Massachusetts or you're being sued

If I don't take federal crap why do you think I'll take yours any more ?

You're murderers. You maimed me and if I didn't get out of bed, I'd be dead.

DEAD you dirty crooked Cape Cod cabal.

When I do you'll be exposed for the past 12 years.

Koch, Labonte, Sumner, Staley, so many crooked SOBs to sue where do I start.

Maybe the Brewster Ladies' Library of bipolar lunatics...


Sunday, June 19, 2011

Waffen SS founded NATO shows Libyan rebels their future if non-compliant

NATO continues to have an amazing ability to hit the wrong targets over and over in Libya.

That's because NATO is teaching the "rebels" what will be done to them if they don't follow NATO's corporate handlers' orders if they remove Gaddafi.

"We regret any possible loss of life or injuries caused by this unfortunate incident," NATO said.

Wow. That's more than their Nazi German Bilderberg and CFR member Merck said to me, and I was told I was going to be one. Those dead Libyans did well.

I wrote previously:

A US Congresswoman says you're lying about the target you strike but given your role as the army of the usurpers of Rome, this is no surprise.

Defence Secretary Dr Liam Fox said: "We are not trying to physically target individuals in Gaddafi's inner circle."

Yes and you're "not" suppressing, assassinating and maiming members of the families that ruled Rome and ignoring them if that fails for 1535 years either.
None other than former US Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, harassed out of the Congress by these same useless eaters in her own right for thinking that Congressional members were independent operators, declares the NATO target list to be an lie and expresses that the reporters with her say one comment off the record and write the drivel they are ordered to on the record.

I haven’t
forgotten my concern for the children of Iraq that Madeleine Albright
said were OK to kill by U.S. sanctions if U.S. geopolitical goals were
achieved. I care about the children of Palestine who throw stones at
Israeli soldiers and get laser-guided bullets to their brains in

On 22 May 2011, I had the opportunity to visit the residence of the
Qaddafi family, bombed to smithereens by NATO. For a leader, the house
seemed small in comparison, say, to the former Clinton family home in
Chappaqua or the Obama family home. It was a small whitewashed
suburban type house in a typical residential area in metropolitan
Tripoli. It was surrounded by dozens of other family homes.

I spoke with a neighbor who described how three separate smart bombs
hit the home and exploded, another one not exploding. According to the
BBC, the NATO military operations chief stated that a “command and
control center” had been hit. That is a lie. As anyone who visits the
home can see, this home had nothing to do with NATO’s war. The strike
against this home had everything to do with NATO adopting a policy of
targeted assassination and extra-judicial killing — clearly illegal.

NATO was formed by a Nazi officer after the War and admitted to be an extension of the Reich as is Merck, BMW and Mercedes among others such as Bilderberg. It was created as a term of German surrender along with Paperclip after World War II.

NATO is nothing more than an involuntary union of force imposed during the fraudulent MIC run profiteer Cold War in order to suppress any attempts to revive a European Empire by keeping the noose around their neck as determined by Bilderberg. They purposefully start their family "history" in 476. That's by design after they overthrew my family and dumped their ashes out of the Mausoleum of Augustus in 410.

In Italy, on 3 August 1990, then-prime minister Giulio Andreotti confirmed the existence of a secret army code-named “Gladio” - the Latin word for “sword” - within the state. His testimony before the Senate subcommittee investigating terrorism in Italy sent shockwaves through the Italian parliament and the public, as speculation arose that the secret army had possibly manipulated Italian politics through acts of terrorism.


“This Europe will have no future,” Italian representative Falqui opened the debate, “if it is not founded on truth, on the full transparency of its institutions in regard to the dark plots against democracy that have turned upside down the history, even in recent times, of many European states.” Falqui insisted that “there will be no future, ladies and gentlemen, if we do not remove the idea of having lived in a kind of double state - one open and democratic, the other clandestine and reactionary. That is why we want to know what and how many "Gladio" networks there have been in recent years in the Member States of the European Community."

So it was that during the early rounds of attacks on Libya, free thinking Italian officers and officials stood down and refused to engage, demanding that NATO stop using Italian bases against a fictitious enemy of their contrivance.

Italy will host a one-day summit Thursday on Libya, bringing together the main international players in the six-week NATO campaign, including U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Albright said that she had received a number of letters with information about her family background since the 1989 collapse of communism in Czechoslovakia and particularly since 1993, when her name began appearing in the papers as the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. Some of the letters contained erroneous information, such as the claim that she was born in Belgrade.

In this context, Albright had also received "the occasional letter which would say something about the fact that my family was of Jewish origin," she said. "This obviously has become more intense the more my name has been in the paper and [in connection with] my current job [as secretary of state]."

Another absurd government lie... to say that she didn't know what she was.
This latest sham was to create the next NFL-style team based sham war for the Germanic familial and bureaucrat and Jewish financier dominated union. This is what they've done hundreds of times since their assassination of the lawful Roman Emperor of their choosing in 476 after which they simply parked their own German posteriors on the Roman throne to this minute.