Friday, June 17, 2011

Everything old is new again: NSA pretends it's going to start intercepting internet traffic, Morse Code intercepts sure to follow

Prepare to Have Your Email Read by the NSA is such a lie it's funny. That's because the internet is nothing more than a load shifting method for NSA processors and a way to make money.

And that's why writing an article years after the rooms that NSA set up to splice into the cables at the various telecommunications companies is a joke. Just when you thought they had already eased the frogs into the boiling water, they jerk you back out and throw you in at full boil with this nonsense.

The "public" internet as been vacuumed for at least 16 years, and before that DARPANET provided the test ground for the technology. It takes far less computer power to recover digital signals and text than to have to filter the noise of an analog landline conversation, radio traffic and the rest.

Furthermore, read this. What do "hackers" have to do with NSA reading your email ? Are you being kept any safer by NSA reading your email ? Isn't that an endless loop directed at idiots ?

That's exactly how the DoD is mounting it's first strike back at the hackers--a preemptive strike that will increase online surveillance at defense contractors by partnering with internet service providers for privileged access to the rivers of data flowing through their cables. AT&T, Verizon and CenturyLink are all on board.

That makes no sense... and they've been "on board" the tyranny train for far longer than the time admitted. Try World War I

"The U.S. government will not be monitoring, intercepting or storing any private-sector communications," Deputy Secretary William J. Lynn III said Thursday at a global security conference in Paris. However, he added, "We hope the … cyber pilot can be the beginning of something bigger. It could serve as a model that can be transported to other critical infrastructure sectors, under the leadership of the Department of Homeland Security.”

Huh ?


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