Sunday, June 5, 2011

Swiss legislators not ignoring Bilderberg Germanic families

The Bilderberg usurpers, meeting this week as they always do beginning on or overlapping the assassination of the Roman Emperor Nero that their ancestors killed on 9 June 68 to attempt to illegally govern and steal the world's wealth, are not being ignored by the Swiss.

In the USA, the puppet corporate media that sends its editors and owners to the meetings mocked people as crazy or conspiracy nuts for it. If they don't do that, they make the meetings out to be meaningless whimsical gatherings guarded by snipers.

Will they mock descendants of the ruling families of Rome that these Germanic families and their Jewish financiers murdered ? I should have started years ago, but was still too "dead" from the maiming that Bilderberg Merck targeted me with in 1998.

Indeed as has been said repeatedly and documented, Beatrix of the Netherland's father Bernhard, the Group's founder after the sinking of the first sub headed for such a meeting off Cape Cod at the Chatham Bars Inn during World War II "was" a Nazi. When they realized someone was trying to kill them when they tried to meet and conspire then, they fled the USA for Canada. He spent his life lying and denying it. Elizabeth's husband Philip "was" a Nazi. Mohamed Fayed, the father of Diana's boyfriend said Philip still is a Nazi.

It's strange that these families along with the Nazi companies, are now meeting in closed cabal with US government officials and others and violating the Logan Act.

The legislator, Dominique Baettig of the Swiss People’s Party (SVP), was interviewed by this AFP writer last December...

The group is a “global elite of bankers, industrialists, diplomats, U.S. and European NATO brass, crowned heads, media groups, their moguls and editors, as well as heads of state, whether retired or not, which coordinates, exchanges, organizes and structures, out of all democratic control, the major guidelines toward economic globalization.”

To convey the danger of Bilderberg’s influence, his letter adds, “Independence, private property and the private sphere are reduced by the usage of electronic virtual money and by . . . the control of all individuals in a biometric global gulag. . . . Higher debts of the [world’s] countries are encouraged . . . and they become the debtors of supranational private banks.

“Military and police tasks are privatized and military actions to dismantle independent states are planned and coordinated (Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Sudan, Libya; tomorrow Iran and Syria). The worst being the fact that they prepare the programmed end of traditional democracy, with a power shift from all states to the benefit of non-elected governance entities. . . .”

This is not why millions have died through the last 1535 years, most recently as they were tricked into fighting each other by these same usurpers and their parents in World War II.


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