Thursday, June 30, 2011

Usurper Obama recognizes Hitler's Muslim Brotherhood

That's Haj Amin al-Husseini over there, head of the Muslim Brotherhood in Palestine and Grand Mufti of Jerusalem in December of 1941. He's meeting with Hitler as he often did, as well as the usurper pig of Rome, Mussolini. Of course the latter, an MI6 funded shill from his days as a "journalist", saw himself as a new Augustus, a direct affront to my gens.


Given the 11 September 9 date of the Battle of Teutoburg Forest where German traitors attacked the lawful Roman Empire and the 11 September 2001 attack, if you're not getting this, you never will.

The U.S. has decided to formally resume contact with Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood group - which does not recognize Israel – in a move that could further alienate some Jewish voters already skeptical of President Barack Obama, it was reported.

One senior U.S. official said the Brotherhood’s rise in political prominence after the forced departure of former President Hosni Mubarak earlier this year makes the American contact necessary...

The Muslim Brotherhood - founded in 1928 to promote a conservative version of Islam in politics, culture and society – has previously had some communication with the U.S. through Brotherhood Members of Parliament who had been technically elected as independents. U.S. diplomats had been instructed only to deal with Brotherhood members in their role as Members of Parliament.

The part these "official" stories always omit is this.


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