Friday, June 17, 2011

Dominionist cranks seek war in Kashmir

Alex Jones never gets to that per se, but that's the plan. It has been since at least 1991.

Note that everywhere they are going is where Rome was.

These Germanics and Jewish financiers and families of the coup d'etat are engaged in ritualized post-Teutoburg behavior such as 9/11, as they hate, harass, murder, maim and disrespect actual Romans like us.

Many of these lunatics are found here on Cape Cod as the steerage / ballast families of the Mayflower craptrap, that is to say the Snows, Eldridges and Nickersons. They were rejected by the English and then the Dutch as nuisances.

Their children were straying ?

That's a lie. They were a threat to public order in the early 17th century.

They now run an organized crime ring on Cape Cod that refuses market and social access and that the federal and state government look the other way of, in a sick salute to their steerage ancestors.

It's fitting they were ballast in a leaky ship, because they're as dumb as rocks. When they arrived here they had the abject arrogance to start themselves as governors and businessmen and declare the skilled tradesmen keeping their sorry selves alive as "strangers," taking away their rights from the first. By 1670 only free male property owners could vote. The control grid went backwards.

When they start World War III, it's them that must die this round and not the masses conned into fighting for them again.


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