Thursday, June 23, 2011

Alex Jones at cross purposes again as Ron Paul works with supposed adversary Barney Frank

In yet another moment that should make anyone question Alex Jones, he suddenly trumpets the "Natural News" of Ron Paul and financial raider and prostitution host Barney Frank seeking to legalize marijuana, or buy votes by appearing to.

Four decades of the so-called “War on Drugs” has led only to the suffering of millions of innocents, the crowding of our prisons with non-violent citizens, the utter waste of billions of dollars on law enforcement and the (in)justice system, and the enriching of underground drug gangs who thrive on violence. The outlawing of marijuana in America has been a disastrous political policy and an insane medical policy. It has labeled biochemical addicts “criminals” and thrown them in prisons to be treated like dogs.

As well they should be, when Alex Jones' frequent guest Paul Craig Roberts only yesterday directed us to watch "Inside Job". In that film we are shown the rampant Wall Street and banker drug use and its role in taking down the economy in 2008.

Drug users are not committing a victim less crime.

A doctor, Kenneth P. Patterson who admits it by his own hand in the public records of the Board of Registration in Medicine, was using drugs when he nearly killed me for the Bilderberg "bank" of the SS, Merck, aided by a Ft. Detrick immunology and chemical warfare trained Dr. Paul Sklarew.

They nearly buried me.

My heart nearly exploded from their Dr. Mengele-like cabal with Merck, which was rooted in a Globalist attempt to murder me for refusing to become a Congressional sock puppet in 1995 after I was urged to work for a Congressional member and then run. Admittedly in 1995 and 1996 I was not thinking in these terms now easily accessed on the internet, even though I was warned by a girl whose father worked for the EU.

That's how immediate the offer was. "Work, then you'll run when ... retires."

When I protested that I was registered as a Republican I was told "you know party doesn't matter... so you'll switch."

What a coup it would have been for the Jewish financiers and Germanic power brokers to co-opt a descendant of the Octavii as an American governmental sock puppet.

When I said "no, I'm going to law school after a break" having already taken the LSAT, they tried to murder me during the break.

I should have known it was coming when a professor who was then the President of the College nearly exploded with me for writing my thesis in a way he obviously thought, to reduce it to a simple statement, was incompatible with Globalist thinking.

Earlier, as my last major task at Trinity, I decided to write my thesis on 1902 in Connecticut like a sovereign person instead of how they wanted it written. Imagine thinking someone would wrap the 1902 Connecticut state Constitutional Convention in Globalist thought as well ? How absurd. Once it was public, I was told in a sneering growl unbecoming a man of the cloth that "if I knew that was how you thought, I'd have made sure you didn't get into Phi Beta Kappa instead of making sure you did". He then ignored my family and I at a history dinner, and all remaining events.

I suppose, had I wanted to be a bastard, I should have said "and if this was the year 9, I'd have crucified you for that outburst, Christian".

Several years after my mauling, and about a hundred days spent in hospital to that point, a spook administered an unknown substance that prevented my death after repeated near fatal heart flare ups on and off spent in Cape Cod Hospital. When he said "this will stop what they did to you", I wasn't even thinking in those terms. It wasn't until a year later when the heart flare ups stopped after their course of permanent damage, that I realized the scuffle that ensued in the hall outside after I hit the call button because my arm was on fire and beet red was related.

I had been given an IV bag labeled for a woman... in another room... discharged days earlier... by a "new" nurse who said he was "just out of the military".

Co-opted drug users in positions of power are a plenty big threat to be dealt with.

Maybe Dr Paul would like to consider my destroyed life with neuropathy, vasculitis, cardiomyopathy, near bleed-outs and blood transfusions, deadly infections and the rest, before he speaks again ?

I won't even address that other creature that Dr Paul suddenly has a use for after spending countless hours deriding his economic handlers.

What happened to the Federal Reserve, Dr Paul ?

I hear steam escaping from the safety valve in Congress. There's always one open to prevent a riot.


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