Saturday, June 25, 2011

ARRL Field Day is every year. It's a contest.

It seems the Massachusetts schools don't teach analytic thinking or government very well in the eastern part of the state.

Field Day is every year. It's a contest. The use of 1x1 callsigns incorrectly is from the same people who think they own the frequency a repeater is on when it's not in use. They also think comments on local government officials they suck up to and who discriminate against people not born in Massachusetts, are grounds to start a brawl.

• The intention of the Amateur Radio 1x1 Call Sign system is to provide a special
call sign for a special event operation which usually commemorates an event
which is publicly significant (ideally, this is a one time, non-recurring celebration,
festival, anniversary, holiday, convention, dedication, public demonstration, etc.).

While the 1x1 Call Sign system in not intended for the exclusive ability to have a short call sign during an upcoming amateur radio operating event or contest, should such an operating event or contest time frame fall within the same time frame of an event which has been coordinated with a purpose as outlined above, the special event 1x1 call sign can certainly be used for any Amateur Radio operating purpose during the coordinated time period.

Field Day is every year. It's a contest. No code means low IQ, less effort and arrogance that a ham license makes you a quarter century ham. Piss off a 23 year ham who passed a 20 WPM code test with discriminatory Cape Cod used names that aren't the case, and you reap what you sew.


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