Thursday, June 2, 2011

Springfield tornado: HAARP lunatics might know exactly what they're doing

It occurred to me that the HAARP / SDI loons know exactly what they're doing.

Over and over since 2001 we are seeing tornadoes where there were none in recorded history. So the argument given by the disinformation agents that people are building where they weren't and they're seeing tornadoes is failing by their own acts.

Tornadoes in Springfield, Massachusetts in between skyscrapers ? Hovering over the Connecticut River when anyone knows that thunderstorms die out over water as soon as they hit it ?

The fact that these storms are destroying infrastructure when they appear (they are destroying urban areas now) and that this one hovered over the Connecticut River in what could have been an attempt to research the sucking power of a manufactured mesocyclone, is disturbing.

If you're working on a weather weapon usable anywhere, at anytime, you'd want to gauge the effects of parking it over a water supply to deprive your enemy of water.

And if all this seems absurd, I have a German company named Merck to discuss that handles German SS money, killed me, stole my medical records, sat there and said they didn't know where they got them when there was only one possible source at the time, is part of the German Bilderberg cabal that morphed out of the German criminals that overthrew Rome and block this blog from Italy... and assassinated their German cousins in Russia to get it all started.

As for HAARP, for several years from 2003 to 2006 I had my ham radio QSL cards stolen before they left the USA by the hundreds. After much arguing and cajoling I was told in the back office of the post office by someone who said "my son isn't in Iraq for this" that my radio mail (only) was being taken for "radio related but not criminal" reasons and that "you won't stop these people so just... just... just"... let it go, in other words.

They were building a log of their operation's effects on the ionosphere by cheating and stealing. The hams who sent them reception reports in 1997 weren't good enough. There were other announcements that seem to have vanished from the ARRL website; even that one couldn't be found by searching several weeks ago as I wrote then. Then there was the moon bounce experiment in 2008 that again solicited hams radio operators.

But from 2003 to 2006 they decided to just take them from active hams, in their deranged post 9/11 misapplication of fictitious "law" and "investigation".

I know why it stopped right after Election Day 2006. The MIC cowards don't like certain connections involving oversight when they develop. Too bad they didn't consider that I was half dead thanks to Merck or the connection below (the Julio-Claudian one). What goes around comes around and I'm sure they're now on the first strike list of two countries with what's going on about HAARP on the internet as the corporate media ignores as usual.

Tough. They're traitors in plain sight.


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