Friday, June 3, 2011

US officials' Gmail wasn't hacked; they handed their passwords over

US government "officials" have walked right into being used as a ploy of the government to rattle more cyber sabers against the Chinese. The goal of this is what the Chinese say it is, to provide more panem et circenses as the USA topples regimes across the world to freshen them up with new puppets, and expend more weapons.

Article after article says Gmail accounts were "hacked" in the headline to get your attention or to tell passer-by that it was a "violent" act when the body of the article describes it differently. The users were tricked through phishing. After screwing up, stupid people don't admit they were tricked, they try to hide it by blaming it all on "the other."

Gmail Hack Targeted White House ? The idiots in the White House should learn how to use a computer. Phishing isn't hacking no matter how they try to redefine it. Phishing needs an idiot to respond. It's as stupid as handing a girl in a bar in Washington your password... or files.

The government has acknowledged senior administration officials were
targeted in the "phishing'' attacks on hundreds of users of the email
service. White House officials declined to discuss who was targeted.

They weren't hacked. Their stupid government users were asked for the passwords which they stupidly supplied to the adversary. Are you really being tricked when you enter it into a fake web page or answer an email or inquiry, are you just stupid and hiding it by pointing your finger ?

People who work at the White House were among those targeted by the China-based hackers who broke into Google Inc.'s Gmail accounts, according to one U.S. official.

How are the China-based hackers "breaking in" if they were given the password by the government fools you pay to keep you safe and run this government nose first into the dirt ?

Gmail accounts weren't "hacked" when passwords were stupidly handed to the people seeking them. The government "officials" were tricked because they're idiots and now that they were tricked, they're screaming that they were hacked to cover their own incompetence. Hacking is active. Typing your password into a fake web pages or being tricked into telling someone your password is as much your fault as the spy seeking it.

The federal government fended off another targeted phishing attack in
April, according to the Department of Homeland Security. One of these
attacks "seriously impacted" a U.S. government facility. "Several
employees at the facility were lured into clicking a link in the bogus
e-mail that contained malware, which spread rapidly and extensively
across the business IT network," according to a department report.

They were "lured" ? No matter how you say it, they didn't do their job.

Bad actors take advantage of the fact that most people aren’t that tech savvy—hijacking accounts by using malware and phishing scams that trick users into sharing their passwords, or by using passwords obtained by hacking other websites. Most account hijackings are not very targeted; they are designed to steal identities, acquire financial data or send spam. But some attacks are targeted at specific individuals.

I think my IQ dropped just reading that.

US government morons who got their jobs because daddy handed it to them, his friends did, or who got jobs by stepping on others or screwing the right person caused this bread and circus distraction, not "bad actors."

The goal of this effort seems to have been to monitor the contents of these users’ emails, with the perpetrators apparently using stolen passwords to change peoples’ forwarding and delegation settings. (Gmail enables you to forward your emails automatically, as well as grant others access to your account.)

Google detected and has disrupted this campaign to take users’ passwords and monitor their emails. We have notified victims and secured their accounts. In addition, we have notified relevant government authorities.

The USA has spied on its own citizens for over 9 years. Is Google going to disrupt the AT & T, Comcast and Verizon splice rooms that are known to exist like 641A among many others ? Or the splices made in undersea cables prior to the "revolts" in the Arab world ? They weren't "cut". They were tapped/ spliced most likely by the submarine Jimmy Carter. It's in so many hundreds of sources that there's no point to even linking to many here. Google it.

Is this the same USA that wants you to think that this "China" activity is such a crime ? The USA is concerned about "activists" suddenly when it brands its own as terror threats even though George HW Bush was meeting with the bin Ladens the morning of 9/11 ? Did you ?


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