Saturday, June 4, 2011

Judge Napolitano: "Footloose meets the Gestapo"

If the USA is so concerned about dedicating temples to "gods" like Jefferson, they should have seen to it that their ancestors didn't topple my family in Rome where there were already plenty of legal gods when they assassinated (sic.) Nero in 68 and the last two Emperors by 476.

Arrest them and their puppets at once, "police". This was declared Rome by Caesar Augustus.

You serve an illegal coup d'etat begun 1500 years before our births.

You are therefore usurpers and violating the laws of Rome. A millennium and a half of fraud by those families doesn't legalize them.

I'd expect no less from those Germans who dumped 600 years of Octavian remains into the streets of Rome in 410.

Of course as Steve Pieczenik identified yesterday on Alex Jones' show, as the British did so too did the US puppets follow suit in many cases.

History is very much alive despite those same families' attempts.


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