Wednesday, June 22, 2011

W1BSG character assassinates Connecticut hams again

What are you NTS people doing "down there" ?

You're the "Connecticut Black Hole" to these morons here on Cape Cod.

First understand that their bitching out Connecticut is nothing new. They do it at least once every day.

Just leave your money here and send them federal aid for schools and buses and tennis courts under Community Preservation grants.

And now you've lost their NTS traffic !

You idiots ! That's like maiming a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Trinity College and then tampering with their mail for 21 days !

They're going to show you. Better put on your Depends. They're going to trace those messages according to past Nickerson Family Association President W1BSG.

(That's like being a Congressman to a Cape Cod numb nut)

Now not only do the nuts on Cape Cod think they control Cape Cod because no one told them sit down and shut up, they now control people in Connecticut.

They're so used to telling another town here what stores to let in, that they now think they run another state.

And it goes beyond amateur radio. Amateur radio is just an example of their insolent "we're in charge if you don't like it, leave" behavior.

Remember what the Connecticut State Trooper said to me when I told him they nearly let me die and then did nothing to the assassins:

"I understand that they don't do much out there. Not much that's right, anyway."


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