Sunday, June 26, 2011

Bernanke pretends.

Chairman Bernanke continues to pretend instead of just saying "no" like he did to Bernie Sanders when he asked where the bail out went.

During the first press conference in the central bank’s history two months ago, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke used the word to describe factors — including supply chain disruptions after the earthquake and tsunami in Japan and rising oil prices — that were restraining economic growth in the first half of the year.

Earlier this week, Mr. Bernanke confessed that “some of these headwinds may be stronger and more persistent than we thought,” adding, “we don’t have a precise read on why this slower pace of growth is persisting.”

Economists say the unexpected shocks from Japan and the Middle East in the first half of the year go only partway toward explaining the deceleration. Many worries remain: housing prices have continued to fall, hiring is weak, wages are flat, growth in emerging economies like China and India is slowing and the debt crisis in Europe could have ripple effects.

"Unexpected" ?

It's been documented by me and countless others not beholden to these criminals that the revolts were caused by the USA and a group of corporations trying to force their way into markets, including Coke and Pepsi.

In 2008, the Alliance of Youth Movements held its inaugural summit in New York City. Attending this summit was a combination of State Department staff, Council on Foreign Relations members, former National Security staff, Department of Homeland Security advisers, and a myriad of representatives from American corporations and mass media organizations including AT&T, Google, Facebook, NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, and MTV.

Then there is the staged corporate sham,, which was set up to infiltrate more foreign markets for more corporations where they feel they're just not infiltrated enough with their chemicals, credit economics and other cheap plastic crap.

And it's strange. All I see here are more corporate Jews (and some Germanics) like the ones that murdered me as well. Sorry. It's true. But... nothing is going on, you anti-Semite conspiracy theorist. There are plenty of Italians and others making up the other 98 percent of the world populations sweeping their floors and even stuffing their envelopes. Wow ! That's fair. Go back to eating. is officially partnered with the US Department of State and Columbia Law School. Its corporate sponsors include Google, Pepsi, and the Omnicon Group, all listed as members of the globocrat Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). CBS News is a sponsor and listed on the globocrat Chatham House’s corporate membership list. Other sponsors include Facebook, YouTube, Meetup, Howcast, National Geographic, MSNBC, GenNext, and the Edelman public relations firm.’s “team” includes Co-Founder Jared Cohen, a CFR member, Director of Google Ideas, and a former State Department planning staff member under both Condoleezza Rice and Hilary Clinton.

They were prepared by educating the "revolutionaries" in advance and by using submarines to cut undersea cables in 2008.

There is nothing "unexpected" in this coup begun against Rome 1943 years ago.

They eased into staged, planned "revolution" by internet by first giving absurd cover stories for them splicing cables, then making it so obvious that each internet cable outage precedes another "revolution" staged by the groups they created.

In 2008, the USA began its preparation for the Middle East and Asia revolts by pretending not to know why cables had been "severed" on the floor of the Med. Then they pretended a series of boats simultaneously cut them day after day.

This is of course a joke when the USS Jimmy Carter was itself spliced with a room designed to allow fiber optic and other cables to be brought up into it for tapping / splicing purposes.

The submarine Jimmy Carter, which joined the Navy's fleet on Saturday, has a special capability, intelligence experts say: it is able to tap undersea cables and eavesdrop on the communications passing through them.

The Navy does not acknowledge that the submarine has this capability. "That's going to be classified in nature," said Kevin Sykes, a Navy spokesman. "You're not going to get anybody to talk to you about that."

But intelligence community watchdogs have little doubt. The previous spy submarine, the Parche, was retired last fall. That would only happen if a new one was on the way, they say.

The $3.2 billion Carter was extensively modified from its basic design, given a hull extension that allows it to house technicians and gear to perform the cable-tapping and other secret missions, experts say. The Carter's hull, at 453 feet, is 100 feet longer than the other two submarines in the Seawolf class.

The majority of Internet and international telephone traffic travels goes under the sea. When two submarine cables in the Mediterranean Sea were cut (most likely by ship anchors) on Wednesday, Internet connectivity in the Middle East and in parts of Asia cratered.

According to reports, as much as 70 percent of Egypt’s Internet connectivity was down...

What an odd coincidence for the last week in January 2008 to match the last week in January 2010.

Yes, I know, it was the DNS servers.

No one of any long term fortitude is protesting. They'll move on with their plans.

They concocted an absurd cover story, Georgian woman cuts off web access to whole of Armenia.

Entire country loses internet for five hours after woman, 75, slices through cable while scavenging for copper...

In simple terms, the cables are made from:

No one of any long term fortitude is protesting. They'll move on with their plans.

Check your internet connection, yet, Mr. President ?

"First there were political threats, disavowal of [presidential] elections, [European] entry bans and economic sanctions. Then there was an instigation of turmoil on our foreign currency market and dances on the bones after the blast at the Oktyabrskaya metro station," Lukashenko said addressing the parliament and his people...

"These are all links of one chain aimed to plant mistrust for the authorities and to strangle the country with a slipknot. They want to force us to be just like everybody else, like they are eventually. We are like a bone in their throat," he said.

"If they try to bend us, to bring us down to our knees, we will at least resist. We will fight for our plot of land," the president added.

At each stage they release information on their nefarious profit and power grabbing acts to be sure you won't riot as they watch you and curtail your rights in increments.


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