Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Who died and left him Roman Emperor ?

A large scale peaceful protest would draw media attention to the gathering and help further expose the group’s history and previous actions.

Peaceful ? Besides saying that deflationary request every chance he gets from people operating under the illegal force of arms as a coup d'etat against Rome, he also starts his history where it suits him. That's typically 1776.

his mysterious death was no coincidence, and can be connected back to the double agent Bancroft, who might have been exposed by Deane's potential testimony.

Silas Deane was never found guilty of Arthur Lee's accusations. His granddaughter Philura through her husband pressed his case before Congress, and his family was eventually paid a lump sum apology payment about fifty years after his death. Without these financial problems, the public respect of a figure like John Adams, and accusation from a prominent Virginian, perhaps Silas Deane would still be in the history books.

Why ?

And were they peaceful when they dumped my ancestors remains into the streets of Rome in 410 ?

Radio host Alex Jones is calling on all activists worldwide to descend on the site of the 2011 Bilderberg conference in St. Moritz, Switzerland and stage a massive protest against the criminal global elite that have wrecked the global economy, plunged the United States into another unaffordable war in Libya and are now scheming to start yet another war and hike oil prices to levels where Americans will be paying $7 dollars a gallon for gas.

We are urging all demonstrators to make their way to the Suvretta Hotel in St. Moritz this Saturday to force upon Bilderbergers what they fear the most – the spotlight.

If Jones is serious about ending this, he knows what must be done.

But after all, he said the other day his family all worked in intelligence.

It's strange, because an NSA staffer told me that (more like warned me of that, just in case).

Does he mean peaceful like his Waco ?


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