Sunday, June 19, 2011

Increasingly Creepy Google goes too far for Father's Day

Google's Gmail staff apparently decided that no one dies, and that they should tell you to talk to your father. It's fairly shocking if your father is dead and you forgot today is corporate sham Father's Day. When Wilson tried to enact it as a holiday in 1913, Congress said it would become commercialized and it wasn't declared until 1972 by Nixon. So much happened in 1913, such as the Federal Reserve Act and the planning of staged war involvement by the USA. They were planning to remember fathers because they planned to murder them in a coming staged war.

My father is dead, killed on 31 May 2008 after two of the same coup d'etat's fighters flew over the house as he was standing outside. A second after they flew over, he grabbed his stomach, yelled "oh !" and fell to the ground face first shaking like a martini.

I then did CPR for the 15 minutes it took an ambulance to travel 1000 feet.

That's a retaliatory hit job. I know what you did. I'll be the one laughing at you when Greece comes to America. Better issue those checks on time, every time...

So Google, since you take money from In-Q-Tel and the spying apparatus as detailed ad infinitum, take your intrusive "land of the happy people" blanket suggestions and shove them.

I'm sure I wasn't the only one that saw that and became pissed this morning.


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