Monday, June 6, 2011

Weiner Circenses: A Choreographed Political Hit Job to Distract

They're all doing it. Don't be fooled. If they're not cheating, they're tweeting. If they're not stealing money, they're taking bribes and gifts. The difference is, they get ignored as long as they are puppets.

The United States citizen is being led event to event by its leash to distract. First came the panem (bread) in the form of checks for all. Then the regime gave trillions to US and foreign banks and corporations that dwarfed what actual humans received by exponential factors.

Being cheap and of a certain tribe, the regime soon discovered they could simply distract through circenses (circus) for the public, and is relying on that these few years.

And after 9/11 en masse, but dating back to 1991, politicians, and bureaucrats, prosecutors and police started dropping like flies as I detailed two days ago.

That's because in the hard won admissions of government spying on everyone because every citizen in America caused 9/11 except the Bush administration, the Bush family and their cohorts, the military, intelligence and security bureaucracy, and the rest... the Globalist MIC coup decided to start using what it had on politicians and the like to reign them in.

Independent operators who develop minds of their own and can't be reigned in by a command performance in the Speaker's or President's office were now easy to get rid of one way or the other by exposing their dumb behavior, or by getting rid of them for what was known in secret as in the case of Ron Brown, Vince Foster or even locally by going after what remodeling they had done on their houses in Connecticut, for example.

Not to pick on Howie Carr, but once again he's towing the corporate line of his Globalist handlers with the Weiner affair.

On his 6 June 2011 show, Carr made many statements that were to sensationalize the event to the level of comparatively more serious matters.

Carr made fun of Weiner's manner of crying. They ignored Arnold. He got away with a statement to go away. Did he play clips of John Boehner sobbing ? I don't remember.

The government and Massachusetts voters ignore Barney Frank and the basement DC prostitution ring to this day. He didn't know ? Are they stupid ? What does he do for them ? Yell at them and put his hand in front of the camera ? Is it because he's a gay Jewish man and they don't dare fight for the seat because then they'll be "bigots" in the People's Republic ? The government doesn't go after him because he's a Federal Reserve puppet controlled by eight mostly Jewish families in Europe and America.

Was Weiner not "naked" like Scott Brown when he was paid to pose in the same manner ? Wasn't it "embarrassing" that Saturday Night Live was able to seize on it for a segment or two ? The media had Weiner "naked" before he was even out of his briefs. This went back farther than today's admissions.

Carr kept chanting that the Twetee Bird was 21. She's 26. Weiner's wife who is essentially employed by Hillary Clinton is 34. He married her at 32. Carr came damn close to implying that Weiner had tweeted a child with multiple references to "Pee Wee Herman."

It's weird ? How many million Americans did it today ? Did they apologize ? Did Bill Clinton for you-know-what on federal property when he redefined words ? So how is Weiner worse or done for, other than the fact that it's a MIC hatchet job using spying to take advantage of his silliness ?

It's weird ? Let's see Carr discuss Bohemian Grove's clothing optional areas when Carr makes any person from the public out to be a nut and hits the button as he starts talking on top of them, if they even mention it or Bilderberg, the whimsical meaningless gathering that violates the Logan Act and is guarded by snipers and Germanic and Jewish familial usurpers (and their fops and courtiers) of Roman Imperial power and authority wherever it meets.

Carr wants us to believe he's had all these mob threats worthy of writing books on. They're a blip in the history of the world hardly worthy of ink, but then he seems damned scared of the truth of Bilderberg or Bohemian Grove.

The difference is that Weiner, like other politicians since 9/11 and even a decade earlier, got caught in a compromised position, crossed swords with the masters of puppets, and it was used to get rid of him.

Why ?

Continued unrest in the Middle East already has critics of the 2010 US-Saudi arms deal asking for a second look at the agreement.

"We may think that we're arming this regime but it could wind up in four or five years we could have ended up arming someone else," Democratic congressman Anthony Weiner recently told the Wall Street Journal.

That's why what he did is being blown out of proportion compared to Clinton, Frank, and others. They don't want you to know that they are failing to pass a budget extension and are planning on forcing another bail-out of their banker friends through the collection of bank fees in September, once the bills and accounts of tens of millions go over balance. That is scheduled when Tim Geithner fails to issue Social Security checks as he threatened, if you don't just bail them out the usual way you have since 2008.

The maneuver buys Geithner only a few months of time. If Congress does not vote by Aug. 2 to raise the debt limit, Geithner says the government is likely to default on some of its obligations, which he says would cause enormous economic harm and the suspension of government services, including the disbursal of Social Security funds.

It's Circus and every corporate media voice is an orchestrated shill in plain view with a syllabus in front of them.

You don't think that these hosts ended up in front of a microphone linked to at least one 50,000 watt transmitter and often many, because they aren't direct or indirect intelligence assets, do you ?


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