Sunday, June 12, 2011

Italy complains over Bilderberg incident (but what's "Italy" ?)

"Italy ? What's "Italy" ?

I'm familiar with the Roman Empire of generations of Octavii that evolved into Ottaviano and was overthrown by the ancestors of the families that meet as Bilderberg and through their corporations like Goebbel-Quandt BMW and the Schutzstaffel (SS) families' "bank"... Merck.

"Italy" is the name of a gutted and emasculated artificial construct over-run by Germanics by design since 476 and now run by wholly-managed socialist puppets of the same Jewish financier families and their Germanic client families.

They roughed up a non-compliant member of the same government they concocted then rearranged after WWII this weekend. He's not allowed to act independently, apparently.

In Italy complains over Bilderberg incident we see a little drama from the now concluded meeting.

The Italian embassy in Bern has requested an enquiry into the expulsion of an Italian EU parliamentarian who tried to get into the secret Bilderberg conference.

According to a report by the Italian news agency, Ansa, on Saturday, the Italian foreign ministry has asked Switzerland to name those responsible.

The incident happened on Thursday when Mario Borghezio and another unnamed Italian citizen were stopped by employees of a private security service at the official entrance to the Suvretta House luxury hotel in the Swiss resort of St Moritz, where the conference is being held.

He showed his deputy’s card, but since he did not have an invitation the cantonal police were called. He was held at the police station before being expelled from the canton and forbidden to return until after the end of the conference on Sunday.

Ansa reported on Friday that the security agents had “laid violent hands” on the two men. One of them had suffered a nose bleed.

Borghezio announced at a press conference on Friday that he would bring legal charges in connection with the incident.

The highly secretive Bilderberg Group is described as a gathering of the world’s power brokers, which has met every year in a different
location since 1954...

It's worth noting that the Associated Puppets (AP) were allowed to pen another disinformation piece ridiculing the truth only after the meeting was over, forging the question I asked on 7 June and Judge Napolitano asked on Fox on 10 June, along with countless others.

Essentially that is:

"Why do nobodies doing nothing need snipers and meet in secret with a covert agenda ?"

To this I'll add the question of why the few corporate media articles were once again grounded in ridicule, yet still reveal no information at all.

The skeletal meeting "agenda" didn't even appear until the meeting was over, as always.


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