Thursday, June 9, 2011

Bilderberg should have done to it on June 9 what was done on this date to Nero by their ancestors

One died. One was born.

The ancestors of today's members of Bilderberg overthrew my family in Rome and on Halloween 1998, tried to murder me using corporate member and Nazi conspirator Merck.

Bilderberg is comprised not only of the Germanic and Jewish families of Europe that usurped Rome illegally by coup d'etat, and their courtiers and fops, it's made of corporations that survived WWII that were and are owned by Nazi families.

Since 476 all we see in history are Germanics, and Jews bankrolling them. In every usurper family of Europe ? Germanics. In every contrived war you fight for their profiteering ? Germanics. In the "Windsors" and the Romanovs they murdered ? Germanic cousins.

The first Bilderberg meeting in 1954 was an attempt to stamp out post-war anti-Americanism in Europe, bringing together senior U.S. and European figures to meet and discuss the international challenges of the day.

How noble. Why did the Navy and DOJ take over the existence of the airship sunken German submarine located off Cape Cod in the 90s that sailed for America the day after Operation Valkyrie and was heading for a meeting at the Chatham Bars Inn with these same Roman-usurping and German industrialist families that comprise Bilderberg ?

The 120 participants attend in a private capacity and, officially, they do not forge agreements over global economic policy.

Where does private and public end ? Does the author think we are all idiots ? Does he really think the only people with a brain are the people he knows ? Does he know they're being watched by the people they're killing and crushing ?

How "unbiased" when a reporter uses the group website to tell the reader what to think. An Edward R. Murrow Award will no doubt follow...

Who are these fools, or people like Alex Jones, daring to say such a great evil and menace should be met with peaceful protest ?

Assuming Jones isn't a pressure relief valve for the organization, releasing information they want you to know to gauge your response at each stage of Globalism itself based on comments like that, when in history has any change occurred with peaceful protest ?

Get real.

They should have met June 9 the way Nero met June 9, facing the descendants of those their ancestors assassinated on this date in 68.

In the Russian interview Startling revelations from a Swiss banking insider , the often reported accounts of John Perkins and others are verified.

...Several secret services from abroad, mostly English speaking, gave orders to fund illegal acts, even the killing of people thru Swiss banks. We had to pay on the instructions of foreign powers for the killing of persons who did not follow the orders of Bilderberg or the IMF or the World Bank for example.

Q: This is a very startling revelation that you are making. Why do you feel the urge to say this now?

A: Because Bilderberg is meeting in Switzerland. Because the world situation is getting worse and worse. And because the biggest banks in Switzerland are involved in unethical activities. Most of these operations are outside the balance sheet. It is a multiple of what is officially declared. Its not audited and happening without any taxes. The figures involved have a lot of zeros. Its huge amounts.

Where do they get off thinking they can kill and not be killed, even as they are in War 4 in Yemen and resolving for War 5 in Syria ?

Why should we accept their tyranny in 2011 if they didn't accept ours in 68 ?

We reject their yoke as they rejected ours.

Bilderberg member Merck, you tried to assassinate me for them over a name.


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