Monday, June 27, 2011

ICC starts history clock in 476, ignores past, issues sham corporate demanded warrant for Gaddafi

The International Criminal Court has once again issued another sham warrant that easily could be issued for the very people it claims to derive its power from. It has again started the clock at the year 476 for its controlling families and their "government" front men / puppets even as its corporate handlers create casinos for Native American tribes in existence when the Roman Empire was invaded illegally and Emperors were assassinated.

Why is one recognized and not the other ?

It issues warrants and tries "crimes" only for those who don't comply with its corporate handlers. It doesn't issue warrants or try their corporate handlers or the members of the anti-Roman coup d'etat run to this day by families proud to say they are descended from the Visigoths that assassinated lawful Roman Emperors.

Where is the same warrant for the "Windsors", Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and the rest ? For those companies that enter the marketing vacuum left by removing nationally made products ?

Why does this matter ?

As the "recognised and undisputed leader of Libya", said the court, Col Gaddafi had "absolute, ultimate and unquestioned control" over the state.

He introduced a state policy "aimed at deterring and quelling by any means, including by the use of force, the demonstrations of civilians against the regime", the court alleged.

Protest your Western "leaders" lately ? Do they let the hundreds or thousands run the "street", a term used by Zbigniew Brzezinski ? No, they send out police and military no matter what. Why ? They are "deterring and quelling by any means, including by the use of force, the demonstrations of civilians against the regime". They overthrew my family in Rome by assassination, but God be damned, you won't do it to them.

Have you seen Greece, forced to accept money they don't want and therefore austerity terms they don't want ? It's the same stunt the Globalist bankers use on you at then national level. They sell off your account to another bank and tell you that you don't have to accept the hijacked terms. You can pay off the card right now if you refuse to accept the new account owner's larceny.

These same stooges exercise that power at the Bilderberg meeting in Switzerland and do it every year at the G-x meetings, and Bilderberg. They effectively did it in Rochester, New York, not once but twice in recent weeks to a woman recording the police in her own yard.

They do it by the very act of ignoring Congress' will and making Congress too gutless to enforce it by cutting off funding for the military, thinking its personal. No, it's not anti-military to cut off funding. It's anti-corporation and anti-Globalist. That's the way Jefferson and Madison intended.

Florida Republican Tom Rooney, sponsor of the House measure to restrict funding to non-hostile military activity, said it is needed because the president “is breaking the law” by conducting the military operations without Congress’s approval.

Indeed, so how does Soetoro-Obama himself not fit the terms of the Gaddafi arrest warrant ? To wit:

As the "recognised and undisputed leader of Libya", said the court, Col Gaddafi had "absolute, ultimate and unquestioned control" over the state.

He introduced a state policy "aimed at deterring and quelling by any means, including by the use of force, the demonstrations of civilians against the regime", the court alleged.

What do their handlers, the Jewish financier and Germanic figurehead families of Europe represent other than abject illegitimacy at the tip of a gun ?

Gaddafi, who sought vassalage just a few years ago by renouncing terror only to have this sham directed at him through corporate sham and other corporate and intelligence front outfits, knows this. He's been around too long not to know.

On Sunday, government spokesman Moussa Ibrahim said the court was overly preoccupied with pursuing African leaders and had "no legitimacy whatsoever".

That's correct.

They represent an illegal Germanic and Jewish coup d'etat that was initiated against Rome by treason on 11 September 9 in the Teutoburg Forest by the Germanic traitor Arminius. It continued in 68 when they assassinated my ancestor Nero. They were so scared of the stability of their cabal that they then engaged in 1943 years of lies, including inventing a religion to replace Roman religion virtually date for date and god for god. They told the sheep that Nero burned Rome playing an instrument that wasn't invented until the 16th century. First, that tells you when the story actually dates from. Second, it tells you that it's propaganda.

In 410 they sacked Rome and dumped Ottaviano remains they feared so much into the streets of Rome; try that with them now and the conditioned masses would be outraged at you and not the puppet masters who oppress them.

In 476 they seated their own puppet Germanic Emperors only to kidnap and assassinate them, and replace them directly with the families now running this "revolution" and the others as the latest scam against the world. If you fought in World War I, you were suckered by Germanic cousins in Russia, Germany and Britain who signed each telegram "with love" as they facilitated you mowing each other down. In World War II, they did it again, having changed their names to Windsor. And when it was over they met as Bilderberg and other cabals. They had you fly their Nazi party family to America to build corporate weapons and a go-nowhere space program endlessly.

For 1535 years their masters have looted, murdered and maimed people worldwide through sham staged wars that they orchestrated and financed both sides of, including the US Civil War.


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