Monday, June 13, 2011

Why does Sen. Graham care who Dr. Assad kills if they don't care who Dr. Patterson and Dr. Sklarew kill in Massachusetts ?

The USA nearly murdered me along with this government's handlers seen this weekend, and Merck, and all were rewarded after... including the internist and cardiologist who "saved my life". They are on the take from Merck after one liar said he'd never, ever take their money after he saw what they did to me and that his view of them was "changed forever". We can be sure the other specialists are as well but haven't had cause to state it publicly.

You'll never see Senator Graham saying they need to raid Merck, government offices like the FDA, CIA, the corporate espionage driven NSA or those doctors' offices.

So what's Senator Graham's beef with Dr. Assad killing openly ? This country killed this Phi Beta Kappa Ottaviano (Octavianus, Octavian, Octavius, Octavii) descendant soon after I graduated from Trinity College and then swept it under the rug after I refused to serve their tyranny.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said Sunday that it’s time to consider international intervention in Syria to avoid the further “slaughter” of people there by President Bashar al-Assad’s forces.

“If it made sense to protect the Libyan people against Gadhafi, and it did because they were going to get slaughtered if we hadn’t sent NATO in when he was on the outskirts of Benghazi, the question for the world [is], have we gotten to that point in Syria,” Graham said on the CBS' "Face the Nation."

This crooked country does nothing but rehash the same old wars over and over as a profit based continuation of the last 1535 years. Had they and their Jewish and Germanic ancestors let Rome handle it with the level of self governance we afforded, the states would no doubt be free by now and peaceful instead of sparring with those same Jews and Germanics and dragging the rest of the innocents down with it.

Care to allow your staff to stage another power surge attack after this one, CEO Thomas May of NSTAR and Bank of America ?


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