Thursday, June 16, 2011

Massachusetts Twerp politician Cusack attempts Jedi mind trick, tells sheep "it's over" after he caused "it"

After getting busy in the Massachusetts House chamber, Mark J. Cusack has declared what you should think lest you be accused of various thought crimes that will keep you off the next flight to Disney World, like so many government hacks these days.

State Rep. Mark Cusack re-emerged at the State House yesterday, attending a subcommittee hearing and dropping by the cafeteria for a grilled cheese sandwich, but he refused to talk about the incident that prompted an investigation by the House speaker’s office.

“It’s over. I’ve moved on,” the 26-year-old Braintree Democrat told the Herald as he waited for his lunch. When pressed on whether he feels he owes his constituents any further explanation, Cusack said, “I have no further comment. You have my statement.”

Master Cusack has spoken. It's over. He's moved on. If he did and you don't, then you're mentally ill, right ? Maybe you're even... "a conspiracy theorist."


Master Cusack is now a wholly owned sock puppet of his elders.

This may be the best one of all:

In the statement, Cusack said he and his family “consider the matter closed.”

Family ? Did the voters elect his mother and father too ? Were they at the Speaker's "late night beer party" ?

We have a 26 year old healthy, able man in an elected office hiding behind his mommy and daddy. He's so clueless he walked right back into Howie Carr's ridicule. Do these twerps realize that when you are sending troops your age to war and voting on budgets and laws, that to comment on your parents as if they're a substitute for a wife makes you look developmentally challenged ?

Like I said, "his family did a lot for Braintree" ? My family did a lot for the entire world and Europe in particular, and no one gave a damn in this state or the country when I was nearly killed.

About 50 readers of this blog know who I am and what was done to me, and probably a quarter of them are police on blog patrol from towns I've never been and I'll never visit who think that their government doesn't kill and maim.

Cusack dropped out of sight after news of an investigation emerged last week. He publicly communicated only in a written statement to address allegations that a court officer found him at 4 a.m. at the House rostrum with another legislator’s female aide while a late-night beer party was under way in the speaker’s office April 28.

Hiding is a sure sign of innocence. It's what the man that helped sentence me to death here did.

Hey, by the way, is it legal to have alcohol at the House ? I think some citizens should get together and see this afternoon. Everybody head over there and try to enter the House with beer in hand. Tell the security apparatus that the Speaker holds "late-night beer parties," so it's good.

His statement Tuesday said: “I am thankful that the speaker’s office has acted swiftly in confirming that no inappropriate behavior occurred. . . . I apologize to my family, friends, colleagues and constituents for any appearance of impropriety. I will continue to work each and every day to best serve my district and ensure their voice is heard on Beacon Hill.”

And how, pray tell, did he do that ? The Speaker obviously hasn't decided to share his methodology in circumventing Ethics.


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