Friday, September 30, 2011

Cape Cod bombarded with chemical spray (chemtrails) all day

There were at times up to ten jets aloft in the northern direction alone, leaving simultaneous parallel trails. The sky is a white "mess" from their activities.

The high point of the day came in the grocery store when I saw a man and his wife. The man, obviously retired, was wearing a American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics hat.

This being a suitable day, and knowing this imp would forget which hat he was even wearing, I asked:

"Say, could you tell me something about chemtrails ?"

His jaw hit the floor. His wife said:

"He's asking you a question."

Which was followed by the man saying:

"Never mind let's go."

To which I said:

"I guess that's my answer."

Is this a secret or something ? Do they think the public is retarded ?

Why, I'll bet he doesn't even have a Phi Beta Kappa key.

I'm thinking that with the aluminum, barium and strontium in the air now, that hams on the Cape are going to have the usual difficulty getting into certain repeaters this evening, as in every other attack on the citizenry by these unknown enemy forces.


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