Monday, September 26, 2011

Markets acted as I "predicted"

UPDATE: Strange how the market doesn't go up until they get fingered by a watcher. Two percent, all after my post. That proves it's nothing. No, not really. See you tomorrow, guys.

11043.71 +272.23‎ (2.53%‎) Sep 26 4:01pm ET

EARLIER: You see, it's not really a prediction when market activity is being run by a criminal cartel.

Sunday night I said:

"Will Monday see the daily 3 to 4 percent drop ? Or a 1 percent (or less) increase to mask the plan ?"

So far the DJIA is up the small cover up amount I said.

10889.77 +118.29‎ (1.10%‎) Sep 26 11:28am ET

"We're not doing anything. See ? It went up."

This is a coup. This crash is staged; this crash is managed. It was planned in advance as an entire program that fits in with the plans since 10 August 1944 and begun in 476 by their destroying Rome.

They even trotted out (on the same day) one Trinity professor and one Phi Beta Kappa to spew disinformation on the same day last week, possibly as "useful idiots" that examine no deeper than the field in front of them. At the other extreme they were Globalist assets acting as sock puppets.


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