Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Obama needs remedial history... or to stop lying

Even as Obama upped the number of ground troops in Libya, he went before the UN, posed for a photo by blocking a colleague's face, and declared:

War and conflict have been with us since the beginning of civilization. But in the first part of the 20th century, the advance of modern weaponry led to death on a staggering scale. It was this killing that compelled the founders of this body to build an institution that was focused not just on ending one war, but on averting others; a union of sovereign states that would seek to prevent conflict, while also addressing its causes.

Well now. The fact that he isn't actually a Phi Beta Kappa, but rather squeezed into a photo of Phi Beta Kappa Presidents, shows. For now I'll address only his knowledge of war.

In the Teutoburg Forest centering on 11 September 9, Obama's handlers' ancestors slaughtered 15,000 to 20,000 of our legionaries in Legio XVII, XVIII and XIX alone, by treason, not counting supporters.

That was without gunpowder.

On 17 September 1862, the bloodiest day in US history occurred at Antietam with 23,000 casualties. The Union's total was 12,401 casualties with 2,108 dead. The Confederate casualties were 10,318 and 1,546 dead.

So much for the "advance of modern weaponry". It looks more like the "advance of modern government", as unlawful as it all is since it's built on a 1535 year long ongoing coup against the Roman Empire.

Obama is an illegal usurper not qualified to hold office bred from birth for his destructive role for his Rothschild and Bormann group handlers by his CIA and Ford Foundation connected "mother" and "father".

If he were to be investigated properly, even for his use of a Connecticut SSN, every Congressman that now holds office and worked with him, endorsed him or fraternized with him would be flushed out of office. So they ignore because they benefit.

Obama is right at home with the Rothschild, Bormann, Aldrich, Rockefeller and Chase family United Nations, making glorious statements of omission.


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